Yes / No Questions Examples

There are two basic formats of asking questions or making question statements in the English language, Wh-type questions and Yes/No questions, respectively.

Yes/No Questions are also called closed questions because the answers to these questions are only in either the Yes or No format. 

These questions form with the help of helping verbs like to be, to do, and to have and modal verbs, respectively. Making the Yes/No questions without these verbs is impossible. Here, we are going to understand the Yes/No questions.

Yes / No Questions Examples

  1. Do you speak French?
    Answer: Yes, I Do / No, I don’t. 
  1. Does she prepare dinner for tonight?
    Answer: Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t.
  1. Did you clear the path?
    Answer: Yes, I did / No, I didn’t.
  1. Am I looking like a stranger?
    Answer: Yes, you are / No, you are not.
  1. Is she alright?
    Answer: Yes, She is / No, She isn’t.
  1. Are they done with everything?
    Answer: Yes, they are / No, they aren’t.
  1. Can I assure you of everything?
    Answer: Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
  1. Have they shifted their house yesterday?
    Answer: Yes, they have / No, they haven’t.
  1. Has he finished his lunch?
    Answer: Yes, he has / No, He hasn’t.
  1. Do you want this job?
    Answer: Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
  1. Does it really work?
    Answer: Yes, It does / No, It doesn’t.
  1. Did he break his leg during an accident?
    Answer: Yes, he did / No, he didn’t.
  1. Am I speaking to the Chairman of the BCCI?
    Answer: Yes, you are / No, you are not.
  1. Is this your house?
    Answer: Yes, this is / No, this isn’t.
  1. Have they joined the academy successfully?
    Answer: Yes, they are / No, they haven’t.
  1. Can you pass me that glass bowl?
    Answer: Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
  1. Have we done well with him?
    Answer: Yes, we have / No, we haven’t.
  1. Has he decided to learn to swim?
    Answer: Yes, he has / No, he hasn’t.
  1. Did we eat our lunch boxes in running class?
    Answer: Yes, we did / No, We didn’t.
  1. Does Agatha want to wait for the Cab?
    Answer: Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t.

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