10 Sentences of Simple Present, Simple Past & Simple Future

10 Sentences of Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, and Simple Future Tense.

Sentences of Simple Present, Simple Past and Simple Future

10 Sentences of Simple Present Tense

  1. We go to school every day.
  2. They speak English everyday
  3. He doesn’t play football.
  4. I learn English grammar daily.
  5. Do you speak French fluently?
  6. She likes to play with dogs.
  7. The sun sets in the west.
  8. Ben goes to football practice.
  9. Does he buy a new car?
  10. My mother cooks delicious food.

More: Examples of Simple Present Tense

10 Sentences of Simple Past Tense

  1. We went to school yesterday.
  2. They wrote a letter
  3. I won the football match.
  4. She woke up early in the morning
  5. He spent all the money.
  6. Did he play cricket?
  7. I sold all the cosmetic products.
  8. My father drove a car very fast.
  9. When did he break the glass?
  10. She wore a new dress for the party.

More: Examples of Simple Past Tense

10 Sentences of Simple Future Tense

  1. We will go to extra classes.
  2. He will speak English.
  3. She will not wake up early in the morning.
  4. They will buy a new car.
  5. She will become a doctor.
  6. The rain will come tomorrow
  7. I will return her book.
  8. He will be there soon.
  9. Ben will play football tomorrow.
  10. She will tell you something.

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