Numeral Adjective
The numeral adjective is also called the adjective of numbers or numerical adjective, as it is used to represent the numbers or order of any substance or anything else in a sentence. Because of the number sequences, it provides more details and accurate information in a sentence, respectively.
Sometimes, a quantitative adjective also functions as a numeral adjective.

Types of Numeral Adjectives
Numeral Adjectives are of three types. These three types are used in different situations to represent the numeral adjectives,
- Definite numeral adjective
- Indefinite numeral adjective and
- Distributive numeral adjective.
Definite Numeral Adjectives (cardinal and ordinal)
Definite numeral adjectives are used to express definite numbers. These adjectives are again subdivided into two types – Cardinal and Ordinal adjectives.
- The cardinal numeral adjective provides numbers directly in a sentence like 1, 2, 3, etc.
- The ordinal numeral adjective provides the place to mention the order or a position of anything in numbers like first, second, third, etc.
Indefinite Numeral Adjectives
An indefinite numeral adjective is such an adjective that does not provide the exact number of objects or else because it provides the information.
- All: The word “all” is an adjective that does not indicate how many things are present.
For example, All students are present in the classroom.
- Any: The word “any” is an adjective that is used to point to anyone random person, place, or else, no matter how much is the quantity or indefinite.
For example, Both are functioning correctly. You can select any of them.
- Some: This adjective is used to specify a particular number as it does not contain any said amount or quantity.
For example, Some of them ran away after the incident.
- Few: Few is also used to express a small amount of anything, that may be a person or substance.
For example, Few of them asked me for help.
- Several: The word “several” means more than some but not many. It does not tell exactly the number.
For example, Several people came to yesterday’s function.
- Many: Many means more than one in quantity, which means a large number or quantity.
For example, Many foreigners visit India daily as tourists.
Distributive Numeral Adjectives
The distributive numeral adjectives include certain words like each, either, every, and neither, which are being used to distribute substances or anything else.
Examples of numeral adjectives
- Every human being is selfish by nature.
- Some of them did not participate in the summit.
- Only a few officers have completed the task successfully.
- She borrowed twelve books from the library.
- He visited several shops to get sponsorship.
- Every human being deserves respect irrespective of their caste and community.
- This is all I can do for you.
- Many children are playing on the ground.
- The second part of this movie is mind-blowing.
- Two strangers came and robbed all the things in your absence.
- Twelve tourists came to Egypt from Paris to see the ancient pyramids.
- There were no Tigers in this sanctuary.
- One player is selected as the player of the match.
- We want some more time for the submission of the project.
- There are so many Ostriches running after the vehicle.
- All the money you have can never buy happiness.
- Every living thing needs energy.
- Most of the students are participating in the cultural fest.
- Only two pieces are left.
- Some people can never understand French.
List of numeral adjectives:
- All
- Any
- Anyone
- Anything
- Both
- Each
- Eight
- Eighth
- Eightieth
- Either
- Eleven
- Eleventh
- Every
- Everybody
- Everyone
- Everything
- Few
- Fifth
- Fiftieth
- Fifty
- First
- Five
- Four
- Fourth
- Fortieth
- Forty
- Hundred
- Hundredth
- Many
- Million
- Neither
- Nine
- Ninetieth
- Ninth
- Nobody
- None
- One
- One hundredth
- One millionth
- One thousandth
- Second
- Seven
- Seventh
- Seventieth
- Several
- Six
- Sixth
- Sixtieth
- Sixty
- Some
- Somebody
- Someone
- Ten
- Tenth
- Third
- Thirteenth
- Thirtieth
- Thirty
- Thirty-first
- Thousand
- Thousandth
- Three
- Twelfth
- Twentieth
- Twenty
- Twenty-first
- Two
- Zero
Read Also:
- Comparative adjectives
- Superlative adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Demonstrative adjectives
- Proper adjectives
- Descriptive adjectives
- Interrogative adjectives
- Distributive adjectives
- Quantitative Adjective
- Positive Adjectives