Learn twenty sentences of countable nouns. A countable noun is a noun that can be count in numbers.

Examples of Countable Noun are in Sentences
- She borrowed eggs from the shop yesterday.
- Those books are in the cupboard
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- Around nine cybercafes are there in this City.
- Every kid likes to eat Icecream.
- Robin has five apartments in the City.
- My Father sometimes forgets his wallet.
- I ordered a pizza from your shop.
- I brushed my teeth every morning
- They go to a movie every Sunday.
- We go to school every morning.
- We need six eggs to make a cake.
- Onions fell from his carry bag.
- Make a couple of drinks with ice cubes and come along.
- I have completed four chapters from the syllabus.
- I need a pen to sign the documents.
- My mother doesn’t use a laptop.
- He needs an amount of $500 right now.
- He has a broken leg and fingers in a car accident.
- My mobile is not working properly.
More types of noun examples