Examples of Compound Noun are in Sentences

Learn twenty sentences/examples of the Compound noun. I have put the compound words in bold.

examples of compound noun sentences

Examples of Compound Noun

  1. A thief caught red-handed stealing things in the bedroom.
  2. A barber makes a perfect haircut of mine.
  3. He is asking to write something on the blackboard.
  4. Polar bears live in the north and south poles.
  5. He learns swimming in the swimming pool.
  6. The submarine is capable of working underwater also.
  7. Public speaking is an important skill.
  8. An old lady is waiting for a bus at the bus stand.
  9. There is a car park ahead of the building.
  10. Customer care services give information about credit cards.
  11. The washing machine is kept on till evening.
  12. He got caught in the thunderstorm.
  13. Junk food is not suitable for a healthy body.
  14. We both studied together in high school.
  15. A fish is frying in a frying pan.
  16. There is a rockstar concert at our college.
  17. Rainwater harvesting helps to increase the underground water level.
  18. stonewall is built between the road for no reason.
  19. International Dubai stadium is a famous cricket stadium in Dubai.
  20. My wife is washing utensils in the wash-basin. 

More types of noun examples