Descriptive Adjectives
A descriptive adjective introduces a name and also discriminates itself in a sentence. A descriptive verb is always used after the verb “to be” form in a sentence. A name that is going to introduce something in any sentence can be used for more than one descriptive adjective. If more than two adjectives are used in a sentence, then the word “and” is linked between them.
When multiple descriptive adjectives are used in a sentence, these adjectives must be arranged in a particular order. These adjectives describe the opinion describing the color, shapes, sizes, etc.

Examples of Descriptive Adjectives
- The heavy, pink sofa is placed in the corner.
- The giant Persian mask is hung on either side of the wall.
- The silken, white curtains are chosen for our bedroom.
- This dark, sweet, and crunchy chocolate was offered to me by the boss.
- He wore a blue-grey, check shirt at the party.
- The precious, marvelous diamond is placed in this museum under high-security surveillance.
- The ancient, massive sculptures were built by the emperor of Egypt.
- They asked their coach for a big and enormous playground for their practice.
- He purchased a red, expensive Ferrari car yesterday.
- She made delicious food for dinner.
Some Categorized Descriptive Adjectives
Large: big, significant, colossal, enormous, massive, towering, huge, immense, giant, tremendous.
Happy: content, joyful, glad, pleased, blissful, amused, bright, charmed, cheerful, delighted, eager, optimistic.
Good: great, superior, amazing, fantastic, excellent, wonderful, marvelous, exceptional, superb, outstanding.
Said: yelled, called, told, asked, replied, stated.
Funny: comical, amusing, witty, gleeful, laughable, droll, entertaining, farcical, hilarious, humorous.
Small: petite, little, minute, tiny, slight, skimpy, miniature.
Sad: gloomy, heartbroken, dejected, blue, unhappy.
Bad: awful, terrible, shameful, horrible, horrific, rotten, crummy, naughty, dreadful, nasty.
Scary: haunting, creepy, eerie, unnerving, ghostly.
List of Descriptive Adjectives
- aggressive
- alert
- alive
- amazing
- amusing
- ancient
- anxious
- arrow
- asked
- attractive
- average
- awful
- baby-faced
- bad
- beautiful
- beige
- better
- big
- bitter
- black
- blissful
- blue
- blue
- bow-legged
- broken-hearted
- brown
- bull-headed
- bumpy
- busy
- called
- candy-stripped
- careful
- cheap
- chestnut
- clear
- cold
- colossal
- combative
- comical
- content
- cool
- cotton
- crazy
- creepy
- crooked
- Crystal
- dangerous
- dead
- dejected
- delicious
- dim
- drab
- dry
- dull
- dusty
- eerie
- elderly
- enormous
- excellent
- excited
- expensive
- fancy
- fantastic
- fat
- few
- filthy
- four-sided
- freckle-faced
- fresh
- fuzzy
- ghostly
- giant
- glad
- gleeful
- gloomy
- good
- graceful
- granite
- great
- green
- handsome
- happy
- hard
- hard-hearted
- hard-nosed
- harsh
- haunting
- heartbroken
- heavy-handed
- high-heeled
- hollow
- horrible
- horrific
- hot
- huge
- hungry
- ice-cold
- joyful
- large
- laughable
- lazy
- left-handed
- life-giving
- light
- little
- long
- long-legged
- long-winded
- low
- massive
- mellow
- melodic
- minuscule
- minute
- modern
- new
- next-door
- noisy
- oak
- octagonal
- old
- orange
- oval
- petite
- pigeon-toed
- pink
- plain
- plastic
- pleased
- poor
- puny
- purple
- quiet
- rainy
- red
- red-blooded
- replied
- rich
- right
- round
- sad
- safe
- salty
- sane
- scared
- self-centered
- shallow
- shameful
- sharp
- shiny
- short
- short-tempered
- shrill
- shy
- significant
- skinny
- small
- soft
- solid
- sore
- sour
- square
- stated
- steep
- sticky
- strong
- superior
- sure-footed
- sweet
- swift
- tan
- tart
- teak
- teeny
- terrible
- thin-skinned
- tight-fisted
- tiny
- tired
- told
- tremendous
- triangular
- ugly
- unhappy
- unnerving
- unusual
- weak
- weary
- wee
- wet
- whispering
- white
- wild
- witty
- wooden
- woolen
- wrong
- yelled
- yellow
- young
Read Also:
- Comparative adjectives
- Superlative adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Demonstrative adjectives
- Proper adjectives
- Interrogative adjectives
- Distributive adjectives
- Quantitative Adjective
- Numeral Adjective
- Positive Adjectives