According to the English Calander, It is also called the Gregorian Calander, and there are twelve months in a year.
Month Name
Here we will cover all the months’ names and details on them like how many days a month has or why there is a difference in days in different months.
So, let us study the months of the year and the months that came in different seasons.

12 Month Name in English
Sr no. | Month Name | Short-form | No.of days |
1. | January | Jan. | 31 |
2. | February | Feb. | 28, 29 (leap) |
3. | March | Mar. | 31 |
4. | April | Apr. | 30 |
5. | May | May | 31 |
6. | June | Jun. | 30 |
7. | July | Jul. | 31 |
8. | August | Aug. | 31 |
9. | September | Sept. | 30 |
10. | October | Oct. | 31 |
11. | November | Nov. | 30 |
12. | December | Dec. | 31 |
Example Sentences in Which Months are used
- Robin went to Canada by the end of this January.
- The month of February has a less number of days as compared to others.
- Every year, the annual closing day for all accounts in each sector is always held in March.
- The football season is from September to April.
- Stephen’s college is going to end in May this year.
- There are no holidays and festivals in the month of June.
- We are planning to celebrate a get-together party in the first week of July.
- Joseph’s wife passed in the month of August last year.
- Senior students are going to arrange the teachers’ day function in September this year.
- The World Cup tournament of Fifa Soccer is going to start in October.
- November month has always been a very lucky month because we achieved a lot of happiness in this month.
- The last day of December month has always been celebrated everywhere as it is also the last day of the whole year.
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