10 Lines on My Mother Essay in English

Helo students, Are you looking for my mother essay in English with 10 lines. Here we have covered about my mother 10 sentences.

My Mother

‘Mother’ is the best ever creation of God, which exists in this universe who loves his child unconditionally. Mother, the word itself is a world for everyone’s life. The life of every living being, whether it is a human being or any animal, the place of the mother is at the top of the world or top of everything.

10 lines on my mother

There is a famous saying once I heard, “there is no other bond stronger than the bond of the womb.” Every love in this world has some benefits or conditions, but a mother’s love for their children and family is unconditional.

We can say that mothers love is a pure example of Love that ever existed on Earth. A mother can fight with all the problems in the world, whether it is big or small, to protect her child. 

Below, we have covered some important 10 sets on Mother that will help you understand the responsibilities and sacrifices of their love to their child their family.

Set 1: My Mother Essay 10 lines

  1. My mother is a great person to my family and me.
  2. She takes care of everyone in the house.
  3. My mother cooks delicious food for us every day.
  4. The food made by my mother tastes better than any other food.
  5. She scolds me for my mistakes and calmly corrects my faults and mistakes.
  6. My mother does all the household chores like washing clothes, cleaning the room, cooking, and taking care of the family.
  7. She tells us bedtime stories so that we can sleep well.
  8. She takes care of us when we are sick.
  9. I tell my mother everything that happened to me in school.
  10. She drives us to school and back home from school.
  11. She takes us to school and takes us back home from school.

Set 2: My Mother Essay 10 lines

  1. My mother is the angel of my life.
  2. She is my first teacher and guides in my life.
  3. My mother loves all of her children without any indifferences and inequalities.
  4. She has kitted out sweet Orange sweaters for my siblings and me.
  5. She has always taught us to be self-confident in every situation and be brave to tackle problems in life.
  6. She helps me in my studies whenever I need her help and guidance.
  7. My mother always encourages me in my decisions and compliments me in my studies and sports.
  8. My mother always advised me to be a kind person in life rather than a big person.
  9. She taught me to help someone who needs your help if possible.
  10. I always follow my mother’s advice and her thoughts regarding life.

Set 3: My Mother Essay 10 lines

  1. The place of mother in everyone’s life is like the god because our parents are the living god for us present on Earth.
  2. The feeling of motherly love is the same for all living beings like humans and animals.
  3. My mother always takes good care of her parents and her children.
  4. Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on 9 May.
  5. My mother faced a lot of difficulties in her life, and yet, she stands firm and runs the whole family comfortably.
  6. My mother does not bother anyone and does all the household chores even when she is sick.
  7. The place of any mother is very special and irreplaceable in the life of any child.
  8. Her contribution to his family and children is immeasurable, and no one can ever compare to his love.
  9. She always helps when everyone in the family is sick, but she doesn’t tell anyone about her illness.
  10. An ideal mother is one who always cares about a healthy environment for the development of her children.

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