The Mathematical signs and symbols are termed as diligent or representative of the value of the mathematical minerals. The essential signs and symbols are used in mathematics to express thoughts.
Mathematics Symbols Name
It is an essential part of maths that distinguishes the relationship between any two numbers or quantities. Some concepts in mathematics cannot be done without signs and symbols.
The basic symbol helps to write the mathematical expression in a theoretical manner. Many signs and symbols are required to represent the expression.

List of Mathematical signs and symbols:
- Addition ( + )
- Subtraction ( – )
- Multiplication/times ( × )
- Division/obelus ( ÷ )
- Multiplication/dot product ( . )
- Plus-minus ( ± )
- Equals ( = )
- Not equal sign ( ≠ )
- Less than ( < )
- Greater than ( > )
- Less than or equal to ( ≤ )
- Greater than or equal to ( ≥ )
- Brackets ( [ ] )
- Parentheses ( ( ) )
- Horizontal line ( – )
- Division slash ( / )
- Module ( mod )
- Power ( ab )
- Decimal point/period ( . )
- Square root ( a )
- Cube root ( 3a)
- Fourth root ( 4a )
- Caret/exponent/circumflex ( a^b )
- Percent ( % )
- n-th root/radicle ( na )
- Per million ( ppm )
- Per billion ( ppb )
- Per trillion ( ppt )
- Per mile ( ‰ )
- Ampersand ( & )
- Vertical line ( | )
- Reversed caret ( V )
- Bar ( x )
- Single coat ( x’ )
- Exclamation mark ( ! )
- Not ( ¬ )
- Tilde ( ~ )
- Circled plus/plus ( ⊕ )
- Equivalent ( ⇔ )
- Implies ( ⇒ )
- For all ( ∀ )
- Equivalent ( ↔ )
- There does not exist ( ∄ )
- There exist ( ∃ )
- Because ( ∵ )
- Therefore ( ∴ )
- Epsilon ( ε )
- Limit ( xa )
- Derivative ( dy/dx )
- Integral ( ∫ )
Description of Mathematical Signs and symbols:
Addition ( + )
It denotes addition and reads as plus used to add numbers in maths.
Subtraction ( – )
It’s used to subtract numbers and reads as minus
Multiplication/times ( × )
This symbol is called the multiplication symbol and is used to multiply numbers and obtain products from them.
Division/obelus ( ÷ )
It is called a division symbol and is used to divide numbers from each other.
Multiplication/dot product ( . )
This is called a dot product, also used to multiply numbers and obtain products from it.
Plus-minus ( ± )
The plus-minus symbol is used to calculate either plus or minus operation.
Equals ( = )
The equals sign indicates that the two numbers are equal or is used to show the mathematical equation’s answer.
Not equal sign ( ≠ )
Not equals sign indicates that the respective two numbers are not equal or different.
Less than ( < )
The less than symbol shows that the first number is lesser than the second number.
Greater than ( > )
The greater than symbol shows that the first number is greater than the second number.
Less than or equal to ( ≤ )
This symbol is used to represent that the first number is either less than or equal to the second number.
Greater than or equal to ( ≥ )
This symbol is used to represent that the first number is either greater than or equal to the second number.
Brackets ( [ ] )
This bracket is called the square bracket and has to solve first if present in any equation.
Parentheses ( ( ) )
Parentheses is a round bracket and is used to highlight any number or character in any equation. Also, this bracket has to solve first if found in any equation.
Division/slash ( / )
The slash symbol is used to differentiate or to divide numbers.
Power ( ab)
A power symbol is a special kind of symbol in which the number is multiplied several times to the value of the exponent in power.
Decimal point/period ( . )
A decimal point is a point or period used to indicate the figures representing the units in a decimal fraction.
Square root ( a )
A square root is a symbol that is used to calculate the root value of any number.
Cube root ( 3a)
A cube root is a symbol that gives the cube root value of any digit or number.
n-th root/radicle ( na )
The n-th root symbol is used to find the n-th root value of any particular number.
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