A material noun is a noun that refers to any metal or substance or material property.
Learn twenty examples of the material noun are in sentences.

Examples of material noun
I have put the plural noun are in bold.
- Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron.
- In the deepest water is the best fishing.
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.
- The little bird is eating a grain of rice.
- The ball breaks the glass window.
- She bought a dozen eggs from the market.
- He is cutting an iron rod with a blade.
- The electric wires are made up of copper and aluminum.
- The doctor placed a silver tooth in his mouth.
- Copper is a good conductor of electricity.
- Diamond is the hardest substance known.
- This perfume has a light, fresh fragrance.
- Put a rubber band around these books.
- A crushing machine reduces big rocks to powder.
- The pipes should be made of plastic.
- The butter will soften out of the fridge.
- Coconut fiber can be made into mats.
- You’ll need two tons of cement, minimum.
- Coal miners have to work under the ground.
- A white cloud passed over the sky.
More types of noun examples