In the English language, a sentence always contains two fundamental parts that make a sentence complete, a Subject and a Predicate.
If any of the sentences does not contain anyone among the subject and the predicate, then that sentence is not considered as a complete sentence in English Grammar.

What is the subject in a sentence?
A subject of a sentence may be a person, thing, or else that is doing the action or which a sentence is focused on.
The subject is either a word or group of words that perform some action or doing something. It may be a noun or a pronoun that satisfies the needs of a subject.
What is a predicate?
The predicate is the rest part of a sentence that modifies a subject, or it shows what a subject is acting. A predicate is also called the object of a sentence.
Examples of subject and predicate/object
We have put the subject are in bold
- The horse likes eating grass.
- Your phone is ringing continuously.
- The bee is sucking the juice from the flower.
- A big, dangerous tiger attacked his prey and killed him instantly.
- His uncle will retire after eight years.
- A lazy dog is sleeping all day at one corner of the home.
- An umbrella has broken from the middle.
- A peacock is dancing in the rain.
- A boy is looking to hide himself during the rain.
- The router has not been functioning for the past few days.
- The laptop is placed on the table for charging.
- A thief jumped and left from the bungalow.
- He hits his car with a pole while parking.
- Stark Industries raised their profits during pandemics.
- Japan is known as the technology hub of the world.
- Dubai is known for its infrastructure across the globe.
- Jonathan is feeling tired and wants to sleep.
- My mother cooks breakfast for all.
- The milk is very good for a healthy body.
- Both are participating in this event.