Definition of Noun:
The Noun that specifies the name of a specific person, place, thing, or idea in any sentence.
Most of the sentence contains a subject that is also called a Noun.
examples: milk, movie, john, London, god, day, etc.

Examples of Noun are used in Sentences
- Cow milk is beneficial for health.
- She can not play the Guitar.
- My mother works in a school.
- Do you live in America?
- The sun rises in the east.
- Dogs are very faithful animals.
- She works in a garden daily.
- The ball smashed through the window
- There are lots of animals in the Amazon jungle.
- My mother cooks delicious food.
- She put the milk in the refrigerator last night.
- That was a horror movie I watched yesterday.
- The colors of the interior walls are looking beautiful.
- He has no faith in God.
- Jumbo is one of the best dancers in this academy.
- I am leaving for Paris this Wednesday.
- One of my friends is working in an Indian Embassy.
- English is the first language that I learned when I was a baby.
- The statue of liberty is situated in the United States.
- Mountain trekking is one of my hobbies.