Are you looking for egg laying animals, we have covered the list of animals who lay eggs and their details and amazing facts that will surely help you to enhance your knowledge and skills.
Egg Laying Animals
Animals and other living creatures like birds, amphibians, terrestrial, insects, and other species give birth to their babies by the process of reproduction, and the outcomes are either the eggs or babies directly.
Many animals, insects, birds, and other species lay eggs, protect them, and warm them for hatching, and after hatching, babies come out from the eggshell and grow further in the world. Among all the other egg-layers, there are so many different varieties of animals that lay eggs.

Egg Laying Animals Name List
- Alligator
- Ant
- Bedbug
- Bee
- Birds
- Butterfly
- Cabbage Aphids
- Chameleon
- Chicken
- Clownfish
- Cockroach
- Coral
- Crab
- Crocodile
- Dodo
- Dragonfly
- Duck
- Duck-Billed Platypus
- Eagle
- Echidna
- Emu
- Falcon
- Fish
- Flamingo
- Fly
- Frogs
- Grasshopper
- Hawk
- Hummingbird
- Kingfisher
- Komodo Dragon
- Ladybug
- Lizard
- Lobster
- Mola-Mola
- Mosquito
- Newt
- Octopus
- Ostrich
- Owl
- Parrot
- Peacock
- Penguin
- Raven
- Roach
- Salamander
- Sea Turtle
- Seahorse
- Shark
- Shrimp
- Snail
- Snake
- Spider
- Spiny Ant Eater
- Sturgeon
- Swan
- Termite
- Toad
- Turkey
- Turtle
- Vulture
- Wasp
Details of Egg-laying Animals
Butterflies are oviparous insects that lay eggs. The female butterfly produces eggs inside the female insect and gets fertilized by the sperm of the male butterfly insect. Their eggs are tiny in size, like 2 to 3 mm full. Their growth process is from egg to butterfly containing pupa, larva, cocoon, and butterfly.
The chicken is a very common bird creature that lays eggs, and their eggs are universally accepted and eaten by all human beings. The chicken takes 18 months to give their first egg. The color of their eggs is white in color, and it has an outer shell hard.
Cockroaches belong to the insect category, whether their eggshell is dark-brown in color. Their egg shape looks kidney or bean-shaped. Cockroaches lay eggs in around 15 to 50 eggs in more numerous quantities than any other insect. The small hatching babies from eggs are called nymphs. Though their eggs are small in size, we can see them with our naked eyes.
A crocodile is an aquatic animal, but it lays on land near the waterside in a hole nest or under the sand whenever it wants to produce eggs. The outer eggshell is very tight, and crocodiles mostly lay their eggs at night.
The ducks’ eggs also look like chicken eggs, and the color of the duck’s eggs is cream shell colored. They lay around 20 eggs, and the first few eggs are quite smaller in size, and they are not suitable for incubation. The normal living age of ducks is around 10 to 12 years, and also they are capable of producing eggs after they become 6-7 months old.
Duck-Billed Platypus
The duck-billed platypus is a mammal in the animal category called monotreme, which lays eggs underground in a burrow as other animals do. They dig in the ground and lay eggs inside to protect themselves from another egg catcher like other snakes. During the time of hatching or laying eggs, they avoid swimming in water.
The echidna also comes from a mammal category that lays eggs. They curl them up like a ball if they find any suspicious or feel endangered by others. They are warm-blooded animals who feed their babies milk from their breasts. Other species of Echidnas also lay eggs.
Fish are aquatic animals that lay eggs underwater in a number of quantities. They have different reproductive strategies like other reptiles and other aquatic animals.
Frogs and other amphibians lay eggs in water. As their eggs do not contain shells, and their eggs are formed in water like the texture of jelly.
The hummingbird has sipping nectar, and the adult bird only grows around 6 cm long. The hummingbird eggs are considered the smallest egg from the bird’s category.
An ostrich is considered the largest bird that doesn’t fly but runs very fast, and they lay eggs to give birth to their young ones. They have small wings and heavy bodies, which makes them unable to fly. They can give 20 eggs at a time-lapse.
The penguins can lay two eggs after mating, but the female emperor or king penguin lays only one egg. They are mostly found in cold climatic weather and hold their egg between their little legs to warm the eggs.
The snake is one of the most popular reptile animals, and they are ovoviviparous animals. The baby snake should hatch inside the mother’s body and continue to grow. The babies of snakes do not get oxygen and food at the time.
The spider lays their eggs on the web, and they wrap all its eggs from its web and take them aside. The egg sack of the spider’s egg is attached with spinnerets back from its abdomen.
Turtles come to the ground level from the water body to lay eggs. They dig holes near the seashore and lay their eggs in the daytime there to protect them from other enemy animals like crocodiles, snakes, etc.
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