Here we have provided the most common 100 examples of collective nouns are in sentences. Collective Noun is a noun that represents a collection of people, things, animals, and objects.
Examples of Collective Noun
Here are some examples of collective nouns that follow.
- People: team, crowd, crew, colony, army, class, family, staff
- Things: pack, album, group, comb, list, bunch
- Animals: fold, hive, herd, bale, flocks, clutter, troop, pod

Collective Noun Example for People
- Choir: A group of singers.
- Regiment: A regiment of army soldiers.
- Board: A board of directors, trustees.
- Tribe: A native people live in a forest.
- Pack: A group of rascals, thieves.
- Bunch: A collection of crooks.
- Crowd: A crowd of spectators and people.
- Staff: An employee group together called staff.
- Committee: A group of people in management.
- Flock: A tourist group together went touring.
- Company: A group of actors and soldiers.
- Class: A group of students or pupils in a single place.
- Army: A group of soldiers protects the nation from the border.
- School: A place of learning skills, getting an education.
- Body: A body of downloading, men, and pathologists.
- Audience: A group of people functioned as listeners.
- Gang: A laborers group, prisoners, robbers, thieves as their profession.
- Group: A group of dancers, singers, artists, performers.
- Band: A union of musicians, robbers, tribes, and a set of people with common interests.
- With her beauty and looks, a bevy of beautiful girls always grabs glory.
Collective Noun Example for Animals
- Flock: A collection of birds, and sheep.
- Pack: A pack of howes and wolves.
- Bed: a place where mollusks and underwater habitats.
- Troop: A group of monkeys and lions.
- Nest: A nest of ants, mice, and rabbits.
- Flight: A group of birds, doves, locusts, swallows.
- Plague: A community of locusts and large insects.
- Brood: Brood is a group of young animals, hatchlings.
- Litter: A group of cubs, piglets, kittens, and puppies.
- School: A school of small fishes, porpoises, and whales.
- Pride: A group of lions, predators, or impressive birds like peacock and ostrich.
- Swarm: A group of a pesky bout of flying insects, like pets, bees, ants, rats, and flies.
- Host: A host is a colorful posis of swaying in the breeze.
- Herd: A collection of animals like elephants, cattle, deers, goats, and swine.
- A group of fishes is called the howl, catch.
- The swarm of gnats and bees covered the players of volleyball.
- This map shows that the bed of the ocean is full of mollusks found in shallow offshores.
- A menagerie or zoo is a place of wild animal stay.
- A congregation of alligators is swimming in a pond.
- A muster of peacocks is dancing in the rain.
Collective Noun Example for Things
- Bunch: A bunch of bananas, flowers, keys.
- Punnet: A bunch of strawberries together called punnet.
- Stack: A collection of wood, timber, hay, corn, and arms.
- Clump: A clump of bushes and trees.
- Catalog: A list of the price of equipment, things, and substances.
- A suit of clothes.
- A suite of furniture and rooms.
- A chain of events and mountains.
- The flight of airplanes and stairs.
- Harvest of wheat is started after some time.
- A cluster of coconuts, grapes, and diamonds.
- A stand of saplings growing faster due to continuous rain.
- A constellation of stars is passing nearby the earth.
- A soldier killed an enemy with a hail of bullets in his chest.
- A clump of fragrant lavender plants is a joy to behold.
- More number of cigarettes and letters is called a packet.
- A range of hills and mountains together located on earth.
- All friends together gifted a necklace of pearls at her wedding.
- A fleet is called where a large number of vehicles, boats, taxis are placed.
- The number of coins, curiosities, pictures, and relics is called a collection.
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