What is an uncountable noun? and definition of an uncountable noun.
The uncountable noun is a type of noun of thing or substance that cannot be a count. The uncountable noun has only a singular form. If the value is indefinite or more than one, we introduce them by the word “some” rather than using any articles.

It is not an individual object, and it isn’t easy to count in numbers so that few words are applied to make it relatively countable. Uncountable nouns are not in the plural form, and because of this, the article “a, an” is not applied with uncountable nouns. It also includes some feelings, thoughts, or abstract nouns, which is immeasurable.
Types of Uncountable Nouns
- Liquid Nouns: water, juice, milk
- Solid Nouns: hair, wall, sand, soil
- Gas Nouns: oxygen, nitrogen
- Feelings: anger, love, courage
- Natural aspects: sunrise, cloud, rain
- Ideas: motivation, information, opinion
Examples of Uncountable Nouns are in Sentences
- Listening to music will make you feel relaxed.
- We are relaxing our body beside the beach.
- A spaceship sent by NASA has lost its orbit into space.
- Add some more sugar to a cup of tea.
- He was late because of the bad weather.
- Work is worship until we do it.
- Some students caught smoking during the practicals.
- Girls and women love shopping.
- He needs complete satisfaction after the massage.
- The taste of salt is more in this soup.
- Jaya applied perfume to her body after a bath.
- He wastes his maximum time playing games.
- Anthony’s mom made pasta for breakfast.
- The rain starts suddenly in the summer season.
- he shot back, kicking sand in his direction
- The first rain of the monsoon brings happiness to the farmers.
- The herbivores animals mostly fed on grass.
- Today the sky looks cloudy.
- Oxygen is essential for human beings.
- Ego makes a person arrogant.
more: examples of uncountable noun
List of Uncountable Words A to Z
- Advise
- Air
- Anger
- Arrogant
- Butter
- Cake
- Chaos
- Childhood
- Cloud
- Coffee
- Cool
- Cotton
- Courage
- Danger
- Energy
- Enthusiasm
- Failure
- Faith
- Fame
- Fire
- Fuel
- Gold
- Grass
- Hair
- Hair
- Happiness
- Help
- Humor
- Ice
- Importance
- Inflation
- Information
- Innocence
- Iron
- Jam
- Joy
- Juice
- Justice
- Lack
- Land
- Laughter
- Lava
- Light
- Love
- Luck
- Magic
- Map
- Measles
- Meat
- Milk
- Money
- Motivation
- Mud
- Music
- Nature
- News
- Nitrogen
- Oil
- Oil
- Opinion
- Oxygen
- Pasta
- Peace
- Perfume
- Pride
- Progress
- Rain
- Relaxing
- Rice
- Salt
- Sand
- Sand
- Satisfaction
- Sea
- Shopping
- Silence
- Sleep
- Smoking
- Snow
- Soil
- Space
- Stress
- Sugar
- Sunrise
- Tea
- Time
- Toast
- Traffic
- Trust
- Vision
- Wall
- Warm
- Water
- Weather
- Wheat
- Wisdom
- Wood
- Work
- Yoga
More Types of Noun