A transitive verb is a verb that needs a direct object to implement an action, whether it may be a noun, pronoun, noun phrase, or else which follows the verb of a sentence to make the sentence meaningful. A verb is said to be a transitive verb only when the verb puts action on the object of the sentence.
A verb can only be described as transitive or intransitive based on the requirement of the object that completes the thought or not.
A transitive verb is followed by a word or group of words called direct objects, which answers the words like What? or Whom? Respectively.
For example,
- Maintain, believe, tolerate, respect, bring, pay, give, refuse, sing, offer, leave, play, etc., are called transitive verbs.

Examples of transitive verbs are in sentences
- He has driven the plane in an emergency.
- He ate his lunch box before the time.
- She baked cookies on her sister’s birthday.
- The delivery boy has delivered the consignment successfully.
- My father took me to the restaurant whenever I feel hungry.
- He bought me two pizzas from the shop.
- My boss offered me a marriage proposal.
- He nicely maintained the house after me.
- She sang a song for him.
- His bracelet costs expensive.
- Jake loves playing football.
- He refused to come along with his dad.
- She owes me for the entire week.
- The lab assistant showed the students a procedure of an experiment.
- I gave them a second chance to prove themselves.
- They sold some movie tickets in black.
- Michael drove the boat very fast.
- A couple watched an Eiffel tower.
- The students understood the topics for assignments.
- He sent an email to his boss.
List of transitive verbs
- Bring
- Owe
- Buy
- Pass
- Cost
- Pay
- Get
- Play
- Give
- Read
- Leave
- Refuse
- Lend
- Send
- Make
- Show
- Offer
- Sing
- Turn on
- Instill
- Grab
- Soothe
- Empower
- Ignite
- Praise
- Impress
- Prime
- Inflate
- Jiggle
- Teach
- Active
- Push
- Summon
- Preach
- Strengthen
- Elate
- Mold
- Cajole
- Kindle
- Assure
- Cuddle
- Hold
- Hug
- Shine
- Love
- Appraise
- Relieve
- Relax
- Feed
- Drop