What is a possessive noun?
A possessive noun is a type of noun that indicates possession regards any place, thing, idea, object, quality, action, or any substance. The word possession meaning complete ownership regarding any substance or anything.
The possessive noun is used by adding “s” with an apostrophe or simple apostrophe at the end of the word in a sentence.

In singular possessive nouns, we add an apostrophe and “s” after the noun.
Rules for possessive nouns:
Rule 1:
- Andrew’s car is in the garage.
Rule 2:
In singular possessive nouns which end with s, we add an apostrophe and “s” at the end of the sentence.
- The boss’s bike is very expensive.
Rule 3:
In singular possessive nouns which end with s, or even starts with “s”, we add an apostrophe and “s” at the end of the sentence. Adding s at the end of the word sounds like hissing.
- Suhas’ brother is a bodybuilder.
Rule 4:
In the plural possessive nouns which is ended with “s”, then we add an apostrophe after the word.
- Teachers’ performance is improving by the last time.
Rule 5:
For some irregular plural possessive nouns like group, children, etc., we simply add an apostrophe and “s” after a word for possessiveness.
- The children’s shoes are costly.
A possessive noun can either be in a singular form or a plural form.
A] Singular possessive noun:
A possessive noun is used to mention the possessiveness of any singular or individual person or thing, then it is called a singular possessive noun. These nouns are singular with an apostrophe and s at the end of the sentence.
Examples of singular possessive nouns:
- My financial condition is not so good to afford the lawyer’s fees.
- Today’s dinner is made by her.
- I forgot my phone at yesterday’s party.
- My neighbour’s dog barks so much.
- Even the senator’s vote is important for him at this time.
B] Plural possessive noun:
A possessive noun is used to represent the possessiveness of plural things or more than a singular person in a sentence then that noun is called a plural possessive noun, respectively.
In a plural possessive noun, the ownership of the sentence is given to the plural noun. It is made only by adding an apostrophe at the end of the plural word as the “s” is already attached with the plural one.
Examples of a plural possessive noun:
- Girls’ dance classes have started.
- Students’ exams are postponed for some reason.
- The crew’s meeting is going to start within a few minutes.
- There are so many children’s toys to play.
- People’s mindset has never been changed.
Examples of Possessive noun:
- My brother’s laptop is very costly.
- Emma’s new Apple iPhone is the latest version.
- The look of John’s bike is fantastic.
- Unfortunately, I ate the dog’s biscuits.
- This is my sister’s umbrella.
- This red Ferrari is my boss’s car.
- She is my neighbor’s daughter.
- This cement is the engineer’s choice.
- My father’s wallet has been missing.
- Android’s phone is cheaper than Apple iPhones.
- The car’s doors are not closed properly.
- Is this Nelson Mandella’s autobiography?
- The Duck’s eggs are quite bigger than the chicken’s.
- Lucy’s house is reconstructing.
- This is Mathew’s skipping rope.
- Are these your brother’s collection?
- There must be the principal’s office
- This party is only for Rambo’s clients.
- The government’s offices are closed even on working days.
- The Hamburger’s taste is so delicious.
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