Exercise: 1
Use the base form (1st form) of the regular verbs from brackets and Complete the following sentences.
- He will _________ (attempted) the competitive exam.
- She __________ (cheated) in the examination.
- They _________ (attended) the lecture today after so long.
- He used a piggy bank to ________ (collected) the coins.
- I bet she will _____ (ask)me for a drink.
- You don’t need to _______ (crossed) your limits.
- Don’t _____ (acted) smart in front of me.
- We will _______ (checked) each floor in the hotel.
- We have to _________ (maintained) our balance on the rope.
- He wants to ______ (jumped) from the building.
Ans: 10) jump 9) maintain 8) check 7) act 6) cross 5) ask 4) collect 3) attend 2) cheat 1) attempt

Exercise: 2
Use either the past simple form or past participle form (2nd form or 3rd form) of the regular verbs from brackets and Complete the following sentences.
- The ground level __________ (deplete) from past few years.
- She had _______ (apologize) for the mistake she wouldn’t make.
- He already ________ (cross) his limits.
- Has someone _________ (arranged) a bike immediately?
- The date has _________ (postponed) due to certain reasons.
- He had __________ (extended) his boundary walls.
- She ___________ (manage) everything herself after her husband’s death.
- Important place has already ________ (mark) in your map.
- Our team has __________ (eliminate) from the tournament.
- When I reached there, the doors had already ________ (close).
Ans: 10) closed 9) eliminated 8) marked 7) managed 6) extended 5) postponed 4) arranged 3) crossed 2) apologized 1) depleted