Double Preposition
A double preposition is a word that is made by the combination of two simple prepositions made into one word to make a whole new word. It connects two prepositional words in a sentence to connect nouns, pronouns, and phrases.
It is similar to the concept of a compound preposition with some basic differences such that a compound preposition is made by the combination of a simple preposition and a prepositional word while a double preposition is made by the combination of two simple prepositional words made into one word respectively.
- Into, onto, inside, upon, up to, outside of, out of, without, within, from behind, because of, according to, from beneath, next to, etc. are some double prepositions.

Examples of Double Preposition in Sentences
- A beautiful car has parked outside the house.
- They are running out of fuel.
- A sweet sound that changed her totally came from within.
- The fame of our town is now dependent upon this player.
- The entire class was laughing throughout the lecture.
- The rest is up to you.
- The cat jumped onto the terrace.
- Once upon a time in New York, there was a huge dinosaur who lived here.
- He solved seven puzzles out of ten.
- She won the race just because of your support.
- He came out from behind the curtains.
- A thief climbed up onto the pipes.
- This act is not going to happen without him.
- The lion is inside the cage.
- The cops are trying to lock the prisoner into bars.
- This building will be destroyed within a few minutes.
- According to their reports, the rain will not come for some days.
- The launch of a spaceship has been delayed due to some technical errors.
- This operation will start before considering the reports.
- He grabbed me from behind in the classroom.
List of Double Prepositions
- Outside of
- Out of
- Upon
- Within
- Inside
- Without
- Onto
- From behind
- Because of
- Out of
- Throughout
- Up to
- Before
- Due to
- According to
- From beneath
- Next to
- From above