Cow Body Part Names in English with Diagram

Body Part Names of Cow! The cow is a mammary and a domestic animal which is most important among animals utilized by humans. They provide milk, meat, butter, and leather.

Cow Body Parts

As with other animals, cows also contain a lot of body parts. The color of skin of a cow may vary in different colors. Cows and such kinds of animals are also called cattle. The young cattle are called calves.

Here we are studying the list of different body parts of the cow.

cow body parts

Body Parts Names of Cow

  1. Abdomen
  2. Back
  3. Brisket
  4. Cannon
  5. Chest floor
  6. Crest
  7. Dewclaw
  8. Ear
  9. Elbow
  10. Eye
  11. Flank
  12. Fore udder
  13. Forearm
  14. Forehead
  15. Heart Girth
  16. Heel
  17. Hock
  18. Hoof
  19. Horn
  20. Jaw
  21. Knee
  22. Loin
  23. Muzzle
  24. Neck
  25. Nostril
  26. Pastern
  27. Pin
  28. Poll
  29. Rear flank
  30. Rear udder
  31. Shoulder
  32. Stifle
  33. Switch
  34. Tail
  35. Tail setting
  36. Teat
  37. Thigh
  38. Thurl
  39. Toes
  40. Withers

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