A concrete noun is a noun that makes a sensible observance and operates as a particular object, person, thing, or anything which we can easily perceive from one of our five sense organs.
Any instant, material object, person, or something whose physical appearance is felt by touch, smell, see, hear, or taste.

Most of the concrete nouns are countable and can be either singular or plural.
Proper nouns and materialistic nouns are also called concrete nouns. Because a proper noun introduces the name of a person, place, thing, or object, and also the materialistic noun indicates the material which is tangible in reality.
Those things or feelings or emotions which are unable to feel from any of the five senses then it is not considered as a concrete noun.
Examples of Concrete noun in Sentences
- An apple is placed on the dining table.
- I can see a lot of bookcases in the library.
- A baby boy is playing on the couch.
- He is one of the best designers in our city.
- The size of an Elephant is so big compared to other animals.
- His uncle is working on the agricultural farmland.
- The cunning fox is trying to grab the grapes which are on the tree.
- He twisted the thief’s hand after catching him red-handed.
- Please wear a jacket while going out in winter.
- My kid toad up the keyboard by jumping on it placed on the table.
- These are lemon trees in my backyard.
- The color of the milk is pure white.
- I like reading Newspapers daily early in the morning.
- The pacific ocean is the largest ocean on Earth.
- Put all the books on the bookshelf in their positions.
- The fragrance of this perfume is so strong and sweet.
- He has caught smoking in the college library.
- I think someone stole my wallet while traveling.
- I have a habit of taking a shower twice daily.
- This borewell is blocked due to the sand spilled underground.
List of Concrete Noun
Sr No. | Concrete Noun |
1 | Air |
2 | Ant |
3 | Apartment |
4 | Baby |
5 | Bag |
6 | Ball |
7 | Basket |
8 | Bat |
9 | Bell |
10 | Bike |
11 | Birds |
12 | Blackboard |
13 | Book |
14 | Box |
15 | Brush |
16 | Bucket |
17 | Bulb |
18 | Bus |
19 | Camera |
20 | Car |
21 | Carpet |
22 | Cat |
23 | Chair |
24 | Chocolate |
25 | Clip |
26 | Clock |
27 | Clothes |
28 | Cloud |
29 | Coconut |
30 | Comb |
31 | Cupboard |
32 | Currency |
33 | Cylinder |
34 | Desk |
35 | Dog |
36 | Door |
37 | Drink |
38 | Elephant |
39 | Eraser |
40 | Fan |
41 | Fire |
42 | Flowers |
43 | Forest |
44 | Fridge |
45 | Gas |
46 | Glass |
47 | Hair |
48 | Hand |
49 | House |
50 | Icecream |
51 | Keyboard |
52 | Knife |
53 | Laptop |
54 | Leaves |
55 | Lemon |
56 | Light |
57 | Mars |
58 | Mirror |
59 | Mobile |
60 | Moon |
61 | Mountain |
62 | Mouse |
63 | Nose |
64 | paint |
65 | Paper |
66 | Pen |
67 | Plates |
68 | Potato |
69 | Remote |
70 | Restaurant |
71 | Rice |
72 | River |
73 | Road |
74 | Rubber |
75 | Sand |
76 | School |
77 | Shampoo |
78 | Shop |
79 | Spoon |
80 | Stem |
81 | Sugar |
82 | Sun |
83 | Table |
84 | Tap |
85 | Teeth |
86 | Television |
87 | Tiger |
88 | Tomato |
89 | Towel |
90 | Train |
91 | Train airplane |
92 | Tree |
93 | Truck |
94 | Van |
95 | Wall |
96 | Water |
97 | Wheat |
98 | Window |
99 | Wire |
100 | Wood |
More Types of Noun