A compound noun is a noun that includes two or more than two words by mixing them in a single noun. It is named as a compound noun because it comprises more than one-word to determine
In simple words, compound nouns are made up of two, three, or more words. It is used to denote a person, place, things, animals, or ideas, usually made up of two words.
The compound nouns may be created by adding two words of different meanings or other parts of speech.
- Single worded compound nouns.
- With adjectives and nouns.
- With gerunds and nouns or nouns and gerunds both.
- With adverb participles.
- With the reference of place, streets, and roads, etc.

Examples of Compound Noun are in Sentences
- Suddenly, an aircraft fell on the highway in front of my car.
- He slipped into a bathroom.
- Pass me that chopstick.
- Have you done your homework by yourself?
- We met in an AutoCAD workshop.
- She saw a tapeworm under the microscope during the practice.
- I found a seashell near the coastline.
- There is a rainbow that looks awesome in the sky.
- Will you please tell me the password of your laptop?
- The teacher asked for a notebook to check homework.
- Can you meet me today in the marketplace?
- He looks like a cowboy from his outfit.
- She hides in the darkroom while playing hide n seek game.
- He bought an earphone for listening to music.
- He shifted in his flashback while telling stories.
- Earth is also called the greenhouse.
- The doctor is checking the heartbeats of the patient.
- An iceberg is following our ship.
- People from mountain areas experienced more landslides.
- The drunk person failed to insert a key into the keyhole.
Compound Noun List of words
- Aircraft
- Bathroom
- Chopstick
- Yourself
- Bedroom
- Workshop
- Tapeworm
- Seashell
- Rainbow
- Password
- Notebook
- Marketplace
- Cowboy
- Darkroom
- Earphone
- Flashback
- Greenhouse
- Heartbeats
- Iceberg
- Landslides
- Keyhole
- Airport
- Birthday
- Baseball
- Bookstore
- Classroom
- Doorbell
- Everyone
- Eardrum
- Grassland
- Anyone
- Background
- Basketball
- Backyard
- Caretaker
- Daylight
- Night mode
- Worksheet
- Earbud
- Firewood
- Footprint
- Fingerprint
- Grasscutter
- Inside
- Handwriting
- Handgun
- Homework
- Lifetime
- Playback
- Takeoff
- Grandmother
- Guideline
- Highway
- Keypad
- Keyboard
- Loophole
- Starfish
- Takeout
- Foreground
- Good morning
More Types of Noun