Hello, students in this lesson we are going to learn three forms of verbs. The three forms of verb lists help to understand tenses.
What are 3 Forms of Verb
- Present
- Past
- Past Participle

Verbs and their Different Forms
All three forms of the verb are the same
Present | Past | Past Participle |
Burst | Burst | Burst |
Thrust | Thrust | Thrust |
Set | Set | Set |
Hit | Hit | Hit |
Rid | Rid | Rid |
Hurt | Hurt | Hurt |
Broadcast | Broadcast | Broadcast |
Sublet | Sublet | Sublet |
Cut | Cut | Cut |
Slit | Slit | Slit |
Quit | Quit | Quit |
Put | Put | Put |
Shed | Shed | Shed |
Bet | Bet | Bet |
Split | Split | Split |
Fit | Fit | Fit |
Cost | Cost | Cost |
Wet | Wet | Wet |
Shut | Shut | Shut |
Read | Read | Read |
Bid (Offer) | Bid | Bid |
Spread | Spread | Spread |
Forecast | Forecast | Forecast |
Let | Let | Let |
Cast | Cast | Cast |
Upset | Upset | Upset |
Second and third forms of the verb are the same
Present | Past | Past Participle |
Catch | Caught | Caught |
Shoot | Shot | Shot |
Make | Made | Made |
Hear | Heard | Heard |
Tell | Told | Told |
Lose | Lost | Lost |
Hold | Held | Held |
Think | Thought | Thought |
Buy | Bought | Bought |
Send | Sent | Sent |
Find | Found | Found |
Spend | Spent | Spent |
Read | Read | Read |
Lend | Lent | Lent |
Leave | Left | Left |
Meet | Met | Met |
Bring | Brought | Brought |
Say | Said | Said |
Get | Got | Got |
Stand | Stood | Stood |
Fight | Fought | Fought |
Sleep | Slept | Slept |
Pay | Paid | Paid |
Light | Lit | Lit |
Build | Built | Built |
Sell | Sold | Sold |
Have | Had | Had |
Teach | Taught | Taught |
Keep | Kept | Kept |
Understand | Understood | Understood |
Feel | Felt | Felt |
Sit | Sat | Sat |
All three forms of the verb are different
Present | Past | Past Participle |
Bear | Bore | Born, Borne |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen |
Shake | Shook | Shaken |
Tear | Tore | Torn |
Fly | Flew | Flown |
Partake | Partook | Partaken |
Stink | Stank/Stunk | Stunk |
Choose | Chose | Chosen |
Lie | Lay | Lain |
Sink | Sank | Sunk |
Underwrite | Underwrote | Underwritten |
Fall | Fell | Fallen |
Overthrow | Overthrew | Overthrown |
Steal | Stole | Stolen |
Do | Did | Done |
Mistake | Mistook | Mistaken |
Slay | Slew | Slain |
Wake | Woke/Waked | Woken/Waked |
Be | Was/Were | Been |
Foresee | Foresaw | Foreseen |
Sew | Sewed | Sewn |
Take | Took | Taken |
Bite | Bit | Bitten |
Grow | Grew | Grown |
Show | Showed | Showed |
Tread | Trod | Trodden |
Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven |
Rise | Rose | Risen |
Swear | Swore | Sworn |
Drive | Drove | Driven |
Overdraw | Overdrew | Overdrawn |
Speak | Spoke | Spoken |
Withdraw | Withdrew | Withdrawn |
Drink | Drank | Drunk |
Overdo | Overdid | Overdone |
Sow | Sowed | Sowed |
Weave | Wove | Woven |
Forbid | Forbade | Forbidden |
Ride | Rode | Ridden |
Stride | Strode | Stridden |
Arise | Arose | Arisen |
Forego, Forgo | Forewent | Foregone |
Saw | Sawed | Sawn |
Swell | Swelled | Swollen |
Blow | Blew | Blown |
Hide | Hid | Hidden |
Shrink | Shrank | Shrunk |
Undergo | Underwent | Undergone |
Bid (Utter Greeting) | Bade | Bid |
Go | Went | Gone |
Shear | Sheared | Shorn |
Throw | Threw | Thrown |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten |
Ring | Rang | Rung |
Strive | Strove | Striven |
Eat | Ate | Eaten |
Overtake | Overtook | Overtaken |
Spring | Sprang | Sprung |
Write | Wrote | Written |
Awake | Awoke | Awoken |
Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken |
See | Saw | Seen |
Swim | Swam | Swum |
Break | Broke | Broken |
Know | Knew | Known |
Sing | Sang | Sung |
Undertake | Undertook | Undertaken |
Draw | Drew | Drawn |
Outdo | Outdid | Outdone |
Smite | Smote | Smitten |
Wear | Wore | Worn |
Begin | Began | Begun |
Give | Gave | Given |
Shave | Shaved | Shaven |
Thrive | Throve | Thriven |
In Second and third form we add ‘ed’
Present | Past | Past Participle |
Accept | Accepted | Accepted |
Act | Acted | Acted |
Advise | Advised | Advised |
Allow | Allowed | Allowed |
Bang | Banged | Banged |
Buzz | Buzzed | Buzzed |
Call | Called | Called |
Choke | Choked | Choked |
Dare | Dared | Dared |
Die | Died | Died |
Dye | Dyed | Dyed |
Earn | Earned | Earned |
Envy | Envied | Envied |
Exist | Existed | Existed |
Eye | Eyed | Eyed |
Fan | Fanned | Fanned |
Feed | Fed | Fed |
Found | Founded | Founded |
Gag | Gagged | Gagged |
Gaze | Gazed | Gazed |
Hatch | Hatched | Hatched |
Hoax | Hoaxed | Hoaxed |
Join | Joined | Joined |
Jump | Jumped | Jumped |
Knock | Knocked | Knocked |
Live | Lived | Lived |
Swell | Swelled | Swelled |
In third form we add ‘en’
| | |
Befall | Befell | Befallen |
Bite | Bit | Bitten |
Break | Broke | Broken |
Choose | Chose | Chosen |
Fall | Fell | Fallen |
Forget | Forgot | Forgotten |
Forgive | Forgave | Forgiven |
Forsake | Forsook | Forsaken |
Freeze | Froze | Frozen |
Give | Gave | Given |
Rise | Rose | Risen |
Speak | Spoke | Spoken |
Steal | Stole | Stolen |
Take | Took | Taken |
Write | Wrote | Written |