Any profession, job, business, or any other occupation or activity usually delivers an exchange process of payment in society that plays a very important role in a person’s lifestyle. In today’s generation, it is important to maintain society’s social reputation and a specific career to be a responsible person of a society. Most people do multiple jobs or businesses or something else to run their family life with ease.
There are a lot of job profiles, businesses, careers, and occupations that people actually do. Let us study and make a list of jobs and occupations in English.

List of Jobs and Occupations:
- Businessman
- Industrialist
- Paramedic
- Salesperson
- Ticket collector
- Pilot
- Engineer
- Therapist
- Priest
- Doctor
- Surgeon
- Student
- Professor
- Soldier
- Politician
- Policeman
- Architect
- BodyBuilder
- Contractor
- Electrician
- Secretariat
- Librarian
- Singer
- Waiter
- Sportsperson
- Journalist
- Postman
- Painter
- Janitor
- Attendant
- Scientist
- Mechanic
- Magician
- Comedian
- Lifeguard
- Photographer
- Forest Ranger
- Detective
- Worker/Labour
- Cricketer
- Foreman
- Firefighter
- Carpenter
- Driver
- Sales and marketing
- Accountant
- Actor-Actress
- Ambassador
- Archeologist
- Artist
- Author
- Astronaut
- Guide
- Governor
- Geologist
- Hairdresser
- Jeweler
- Illustrator
- Interpreter
- Investigator
- Babysitter
- Banker
- Blacksmith
- Butcher
- Barber
- Economist
- Editor
- Entrepreneur
- Explorer
- Caterer
- Chemist
- Coach
- Cobbler
- Director
- Maid
- Manufacturer
- Navigator
- Receptionist
- Retailer
- Plumber
- Principal
- Publisher
- Tailor
- Umpire
- Wingman
Details of Jobs and Profession
A man regularly employed in business, especially a white-collar worker, executive, or owner.
An Industrialist is a person who owns many industries, and a lot of people work under guidance in his company.
A paramedic is a trainer who provides a medical facility or basic treatments to needed ones
A person who works in selling things objects to people or customers
Ticket collector:
A ticket collector job is professional, which the government authorizes, and his responsibility is to check whether a person is traveling safely or without a ticket.
A person who flies an aircraft, who sails a huge water ship, who operates a locomotive train on a track, is known as a pilot.
An Engineer, an Engineering practitioner, discovers, designs, analyzes, builds, and tests technical things, structures, or gadgets that help in the development of technology and fulfill the requirements.
A therapist is a designation that provides medical treatment to the patients and is trained to assist treatment and rehabilitation.
A priest is a religious person who leads the sacred rituals of a particular religion. They are also called mediator agents between humans and deities of God.
A doctor is a person who has knowledge of medical science. He is licensed to cure patients and injured people with treatments.
A surgeon is the kind of doctor who specializes in making surgeries and operations when required.
A person who is studying in school, college, university, or something else.
A professor is a high-level teacher who teaches in Universities or colleges.
A person who is engaged in Military services especially in the army who fights for the nation in battle wars.
A politician is a person who works for the common people for the development of the nation and the Constitutional rules and regulations.
A policeman is a person who makes peace and happiness in society and works for the common people. They are also called public servants.
An architect is a technical specialist skilled in technology, designing, and designing civil structures.
Bodybuilding is a process of building muscles bigger, and a bodybuilder exercises regularly to make their body muscles grow big and bulky.
An electrician is a tradesman specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, houses, HT/LT lines, and other electrical-related equipment.
A Librarian is a person who takes charge of the library.
A person who sings a song on musical platforms, occasions, and singing songs is called a Singer.
A sportsperson who plays sports of any kind and practices regularly to maintain fitness and prepares for any tournaments.
A journalist is a profession in news and media technology to cover the breaking news and to make a news story for papers or news agencies.
A postman is a person who posts letters and other post su[plies to their respected address.
A janitor is a person who works as a caretaker or a doorkeeper of a building and makes the place clean and posh.
A person who provides a service in public in offices, labs, or any particular place.
A scientist is a person who conducts scientific research and makes experiments and inventions by discovering new things and technologies.
A mechanic is a person who works on mechanical things, like repairing machines, engines, or technical equipment.
A magician is a person who makes tricky things that look like magic to the viewer.
A comedian is a person with a talent for comedy and has a good sense of humor that they used to make people laugh by his talks or activities.
A photographer is a person who clicks photographs with a camera in any programs, functions or events, and also natural things.
A detective is a person who spies on someone to solve any cases.
Labour is also called a worker who works physically in any construction site or other places that require manpower to earn money and feed their family.
A cricketer is a sportsperson who plays cricket at the local level or the international level.
A person who takes incharge of any particular operation or a section of a plant and under his guidance, workers perform their works.
A firefighter person works to extinguish fires with a firefighting team and equipment from the highly hazardous fireplaces to prevent lives from fire accidents or fire burnings.
A driver is a person who drives a vehicle of any kind depending on the work necessary.
An accountant is a person who performs certain functions such as accounting, analysis of financial statements, and auditing processes.
Archaeologists are the ones who study and do research on finding human history species and artifacts by digging.
An author is a person who writes a book, novel, or any writing material that has been printed on a particular platform.
A professional astronaut is deployed by a human spaceflight program to serve as a commander or a crew member to travel in the spacecraft.
A hairdresser is a person who cuts people’s hair in various styles, like a hairstyle specialist.
A person is called a jeweler whose job is to sell, buy, make new designs, or repair ornaments and jewelry items.
A babysitter gets hourly pay to take care of another person’s children.
A banker’s profession is to engage in business with the deposited money of others.
A blacksmith crafts or fabricates iron objects by hot and cold process and hammering and forging process on an anvil.
A butcher is a person who sells animal meat by slaughtering them and dressing the flesh of different animals.
An economist is a person who studies and deals with the nation’s economic situation and makes it in a good and profitable flow.
An entrepreneur provides entrepreneurship for society.
An explorer is a person who explores different places and to travel for surveys and other purposes where no other people has ever been there.
A caterer’s work is to arrange the food facility in any function and provide good catering service to the guests.
A chemist is a person who sells and provides medicines to people as the doctor’s prescription.
A cobbler is a person whose work is to sew or repair old and damaged footwear or other items.
A role of a director is to manage the control of any management or someone who gives direction.
A maid is a female working employee whose job is to provide cleaning service and other house works.
A manufacturer is a person or a company that manufactures things.
A retailer is known as a shopkeeper who sells things and objects to the customers.
A plumber is a mechanic whose work is to fix the plumbing maintenance or installing new pipelines.
A publisher is a person who publishes a book, novels, magazines, or any advertising pamphlets.
A tailor is a person who sews the clothes and dresses from cloth pieces by taking different measurements depending on the requirements.
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