Examples of concrete noun are in sentences. 20 Sentences of Concrete Noun

Examples of Concrete Noun are in Sentences
- An apple is placed on the dining table.
- I can see a lot of bookcases in the library.
- A baby boy is playing on the couch.
- He is one of the best designers in our city.
- The size of an Elephant is so big compared to other animals.
- His uncle is working on the agricultural farmland.
- The cunning fox is trying to grab the grapes which are on the tree.
- He twisted the thief’s hand after catching him red-handed.
- Please wear a jacket while going out in winter.
- My kid toad up the keyboard by jumping on it placed on the table.
- These are lemon trees in my backyard.
- The color of the milk is pure white.
- I like reading Newspapers daily early in the morning.
- The pacific ocean is the largest ocean on Earth.
- Put all the books on the bookshelf in their positions.
- The fragrance of this perfume is so strong and sweet.
- She reads ten Books in a week.
- I think someone stole my wallet while traveling.
- I have a habit of taking a shower twice daily.
- This borewell is blocked due to the sand spilled underground.
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