A complete list of collective nouns of people, animals, things, and objects. We have provided 100 common collective nouns with pictures.
Collective Nouns List
- People: team, crowd, crew, colony, army, class, family, staff
- Things: pack, album, group, comb, list, bunch
- Animals: fold, hive, herd, bale, flocks, clutter, troop, pod

1. collective noun list for animals
- String: A group of horses.
- Herd: A group of sheep.
- Rouleau: A collection of monkeys.
- Mob: A group of deers.
- Team: Number of Oxen.
- Chatter: A group of Budgerigars.
- Sloth: A group of bears.
- Flock: An assembly of birds.
- Litter: A group of cubs.
- Caravan: A group of camels.
- Bale: A group of turtles.
- Drove: Number of bullocks.
- Band: A group of gorillas.
- Herb: a collection of deers.
- Cloud: A group of grasshoppers.
- Drey: Number of squirrels.
- Colony: A group of rats.
- Army: An army of ants.
- Nursery: A nursery of Raccoons
- Pleague: A group of locusts.
- Shoal: A list of fishes found in the freshwater.
- Zeal: Number of Zebras stand along.
- Raffle: A bunch of turkeys.
- Knob: A set of waterfowls.
- Cete: A group of badgers.
- Train: a group of camels.
- Covert: A list of many coots together.
- Bloat: Many hippos stand together apart.
- Murder: A clan of crows.
- Obstinacy: A herd of buffaloes.
- Bellow: A herd of bullfinches.
- Troubling: A group of goldfishes.
- Cast: A group of hawks.
- Array: A collection of hedgehogs.
- Burry: A colony of rabbits.
- Kindle: A group of kittens.
- Richesse: A herd of martens.
- Fling: A clan of dunlins.
- Zoo: A zoo of wild animals.
- School: It is not only a place of learning but also a group of social fishes.
- Bed: A marine depth land surface which is a habitat or a colony for mollusks.
- Pride: It describes a group of lions or some special birds like ostriches and peacocks.
- Host: It can be applied for a group of visitors or birds or other gatherings.
- Bevy: It is related to small and little birds that got out of the eggshell.
- Brood: It is a group of little animals or hatchlings born around the same time.
- Congregation: it is a collective noun for the group of alligators.
- Peep: A union of chickens who dug in a single place for finding their food.
- Swarm: A group of insects or other pets, which implies a pesky bout.
2. collective noun list for peoples
- Staff: A group of people worked in the same place
- Regiment: A group of Army-men.
- Committee: A group of people in management.
- Bevy: It is related to the group of females, women gathering together, writers.
- Company: A company of actors, girl guides.
- Formation: A formation of geologists.
- Class: a group of students.
- Choir: A group of singers.
- Party: a party of friends.
- Band: A band of musicians, soldiers, robbers, men.
- Board: A board of directors, trustees, chess players.
- Boast: A boast of barristers.
- Mob: A mob of rioters.
- Body: A body parts of men, pathologists.
- Banner: A banner of knights.
- Crush: A crush of shoppers.
- Clutch: A clutch of clusters.
- Bunch: A bunch of crooks.
- Congregation: A congregation of worshippers.
- Troupe: A troupe of artists.
- Crew: A crew of sailors.
- Crowd: A group of people.
- Dynasty: A dynasty of kings.
- Gang: A gang of prisoners.
- Group: A group of dancers.
- Host: A host of angels.
- Pack: A pack of thieves.
- Bench: A bench of bishops, Judges, Magistrates
- Babble: A babble of barbers.
- Billow: A billow of smokers.
- Blast: A blast of hunters.
- Chapter: A chapter of canons.
- Cavalcade: A cavalcade of the horseman.
3. collective noun list for things
- Convoy: A group of trucks in a single place.
- Pack: Many cards are used for playing cards.
- Album: An album of autographs, photographs, stamps.
- Battery: A battery of guns.
- Clutch: A clutch of eggs.
- Mass: A mass of hairs.
- Suite: A suite of furniture, rooms.
- Tuft: A tuft of glass.
- Cloud: a cloud of dust.
- Bundle: A bundle of sticks.
- Bunch: A bunch of keys.
- Bowl: A bowl of rice.
- Orchard: A small forest of fruit trees.
- Hedge: A hedge of bushes.
- Catalog: A book of the price of materials or things.
- Fitting: A fitting of sails.
- Atlas: Number of maps.
- Harvest: A harvest of wheat.
- Hand: A hand of bananas.
- Chest: A chest of drawers.
- Belt: A belt of Asteroids.
- League: A group of Matches.
- Agenda: A group of words or tasks.
- Round: A set of drinks.
- Galaxy: A group of stars in the sky.
- Bunch: A set of keys used to collect together.
- Shower: Number of water droplets falling together.
- Range: A group of mountains located in the same place.
- Fleet: Many vehicles, boats stand together.
- Batch: More number of bread together.
- Forest: A huge number of trees
- Punnet: More number of strawberries
- Stand: A group, groove of trees of small species.
- Clump: It is applied for reeds, moss, or seaweeds.
- Pair: A pair of shoes.
- Packet: A packet of letters.
- Wad: A bunch of notes, currencies.
- String: A string of pearls.
- Sheaf: A sloth of grain.
- Reel: Number of film negatives.
- Ream: A ream of papers.
- Flight: Number of stairs together.
- Rope: A rope of onions
- Role: A roll of coins.
- Quivers: Number of arrows.
Complete List of collective noun
- A bale of cotton
- A basket of fruit
- A batch of bread
- A battery of guns
- A bevy of ladies
- A block of flats
- A board of directors
- A body of men
- A book of notes
- A bouquet of flowers
- A bowl of rice
- A brace/A wince of dentists
- A bunch of crocks
- A bunch of keys
- A bundle of sticks
- A caravan of gypsies
- A catalog of prices
- A chest of drawers
- A choir of singers
- A circle of friends
- A class of pupils
- A fleet of ships
- A forest of trees
- A gaggle of geese
- A galaxy of stars
- A gang of prisoners
- A group of dancers
- A group of islands
- A hail of bullets
- A hand of bananas
- A harvest of wheat
- A haul of fish
- A heap of rubbish
- A hedge of bushes
- A herd of cattle
- A hive of bees
- A horde of savages
- A host of angels
- A host of angels
- A house of senators
- A joint of osteopaths
- A library of books
- A lie/An equivocation of politicians
- A line of kings/rulers
- A melody of harpists
- A mess/An execution of officers
- A meter of percussionists
- A mob of rioters
- A mob of rioters
- A morbidity of majors
- A mug/A reflection of narcissists
- A multiply/An unhappiness of husbands
- A mutter of mothers-in-law
- A number/A set of mathematicians
- A pack of Brownies
- A pack of thieves
- A nest of mice
- A pack of wolves
- A pan of reviewers
- A panel of experts
- A party of friends
- A patrol of policemen
- A peck of Frenchmen
- A picket of strikers
- A pint of Irishmen
- A pity/A gang of prisoners
- A plush/A rascal of boys
- A pomposity of professors
- A posse of police
- A posse of sheriffs
- A pound of Englishmen
- A poverty of pipers
- A promise of barmen
- A prudence of vicars
- A quiz of teachers
- A rage of maidens
- A rash of dermatologists
- A regiment of soldiers
- A roll of drummers
- A rookery/A school of clerks
- A rout of schoolboys
- A sample of salesmen
- A school of clerks
- A scolding of seamstresses
- A scoop/A slant of journalists
- A sentence of judges
- A series of radiologists
- A set/A subtlety of designers
- A set/A swish of hairdressers
- A shower of bastards
- A shower of meteorologists
- A shrivel of critics
- A shuffle of bureaucrats
- A side of dancers
- A simplicity of subalterns
- A slate of candidates
- A slither of gossip columnists
- A slouch of models
- A sneer of butlers
- A sprig of vegetarians
- A squad of beaters
- A squad of soldiers
- A squeal of nieces
- A staff of employees
- A squat of daubers
- A staff of servants
- A staff of teachers
- A stalk of foresters
- A subtlety of sergeants at law
- A superfluity of nuns
- A tabernacle of bakers
- A talent of gamblers
- A tantrum of decorators
- A team of athletes
- A team of players
- A thought of barons
- A tribe of Indians
- A trip of hippies
- A troop of boy scouts
- A troupe of acrobats
- A troupe of artistes
- A tribe of natives
- A troupe of dancers
- A troupe of performers
- A wandering of tinkers
- A wheeze of joggers
- A wisdom of grandparents
- A worship of writers
- A-line of kings
- An absence/An order of waiters
- An alley/A pratfall of clowns
- An amalgamation of metallurgists
- An amble of walkers
- An ambush of widows
- An army of soldiers
- An attitude/A grunt of teenagers
- An audience of listeners
- An eloquence of lawyers
- An embarrassment /A persistence of parents
- An entrance of actresses
- An expectation of heirs
- An expectation of midwives
- An illusion of magicians
- An impatience of wives
- An imposition of in-laws
- An obeisance of servants
- An obscurity/A rhyme of poets
- An observance of hermits
- An obstruction of dons