Adjectives that start with M! We have shortlisted a massive collection of adjectives that start with M. Some examples include Majestic, Magnificent, Marvelous, Mysterious, Magical, Mischievous, Mindful, Masculine, Mature, Moving, and Musical. Here’s a list of all the positive, and good adjectives starting with M.
List of Adjectives that Start with M

Common Adjectives that Start with M
- mad
- madly
- magic
- magical
- maidenly
- mailable
- majestical
- makable
- makeless
- malleable
- malonic
- malty
- manable
- manchu
- manful
- mankind
- manless
- many
- markable
- marked
- married
- marron
- maximum
- meadow
- mean
- measure
- measureless
- mechanician
- medicinal
- medium
- mellowy
- melodic
- melodious
- meltable
- melting
- membered
- memorable
- mental
- merciful
- merciless
- meritable
- meshy
- metric
- mettled
- middle
- middlemost
- middling
- midnight
- midway
- mightful
- mightless
- miliary
- military
- milky
- milliary
- minded
- mindful
- mine
- minor
- minus
- mirable
- mirthful
- mirthless
- misborn
- miscible
- mixed
- modal
- modern
- moist
- moistful
- moistless
- moisty
- moldy
- molten
- monaxial
- monitive
- monodic
- monolithic
- monster
- monthly
- moody
- moonlight
- moonshine
- moonshiny
- moony
- mopeful
- moral
- morning
- most
- motionless
- motivated
- mountable
- mountainous
- movable
- much
- multiaxial
- multicolor
- multifold
- multiform
- multiple
- multiplex
- multiplicable
- multipresent
- murine
- murrey
- musculous
- museful
- mute
- muted
- mutual
- myeloid
- myologic
- myological
- mysterial
- mysterious
- mystery
- mythologic
- mythopoetic
Adjectives that Start with Ma
- maat
- macaronian
- macaronic
- machicolated
- machinal
- machining
- macho
- macilent
- macled
- macrobiotic
- macrocosmic
- macrodont
- macrognathic
- macrophyllous
- macropodous
- macroscopic
- macrosporic
- macrotous
- macrural
- macruroid
- macrurous
- maculate
- maculatory
- maculose
- mad
- madcap
- madding
- maddish
- made
- madge
- madly
- madness
- madreporic
- magdala
- magellanic
- magged
- maggiore
- maggoty
- magian
- magic
- magical
- magistral
- magnesic
- magnetic
- magnetical
- magnetizable
- magnifiable
- magnific
- magnificent
- maiden
- maidenlike
- maidenly
- maidpale
- maieutic
- maigre
- mailable
- mailed
- maintainable
- maister
- majestic
- majestical
- major
- majorat
- majorate
- majorcan
- makable
- makebate
- makeless
- malacissant
- maladjusted
- maladroit
- malamic
- malapert
- malarian
- malarious
- malay
- male
- maledict
- malefic
- maleficial
- maleficient
- maleic
- malevolous
- malformed
- malic
- malicious
- malign
- malleable
- malleal
- malleolar
- malonic
- malt
- maltese
- malthusian
- maltonic
- malty
- mammalian
- mammalogical
- mammary
- mammiferous
- mammiform
- mammillate
- mammilliform
- mammilloid
- mammoth
- manable
- manageable
- manageless
- manchu
- mandated
- mandelic
- mandibular
- mandibulate
- mandibuliform
- manducable
- manducatory
- maned
- maneless
- manful
- manganesous
- manganic
- manganous
- mangy
- maniable
- maniac
- manic
- manicate
- manichean
- manifest
- manifestable
- manifold
- maniform
- manila
- maniple
- manipular
- mankind
- manless
- manly
- mannerly
- manning
- mannish
- mannitic
- manorial
- mansionary
- mantic
- manual
- manuary
- manubial
- manubrial
- manufactural
- manufacturing
- manurable
- manurial
- manuscript
- many
- manyplies
- marcasitic
- marcescent
- marcescible
- marcian
- marcid
- margaric
- marginal
- margined
- marian
- marine
- marish
- marital
- maritimal
- maritimale
- markable
- marked
- marlaceous
- marlitic
- marmorate
- marmorean
- marriable
- married
- marron
- marroon
- marrowish
- marrowless
- marrowy
- marshy
- martial
- martyrologic
- marvellous
- masculine
- mashed
- mashy
- maslin
- masonic
- mass
- masseterine
- massive
- masted
- masterful
- masterless
- masterous
- masticable
- mastoid
- masty
- matchable
- matchless
- mate
- mateless
- materiate
- materious
- maternity
- matin
- matinal
- matricidal
- matronal
- matronlike
- matronly
- matt
- matterless
- mattery
- maturate
- mature
- maturing
- matutinary
- matutine
- mawkish
- mawky
- maxillar
- maxillary
- maximal
- maximum
- maybe
- mazeful
- mazy
Adjectives that Start with Me
- meadow
- meadowy
- meager
- mealy
- mean
- meandrian
- meandry
- meanness
- measly
- measurable
- measure
- measureless
- measuring
- meated
- meatless
- meaty
- mechanician
- meckelian
- meconic
- medallic
- meddling
- medial
- median
- mediation
- mediative
- medicable
- medicated
- medicative
- medicean
- medicinal
- medicine
- mediocre
- meditative
- medium
- medley
- medullar
- medusiform
- meedful
- meer
- meet
- megalesian
- megarian
- megaric
- meibomian
- meiocene
- melancholic
- melanic
- melanistic
- melanotic
- melassic
- meleagrine
- melibean
- melilotic
- meliphagous
- melissic
- mellic
- mellifluent
- mellifluous
- melliloquent
- mellitic
- mellow
- mellowy
- melodic
- melodious
- meltable
- melting
- membered
- membral
- membraneous
- membraniform
- memorable
- memorative
- memorial
- mendable
- mendicant
- meniscal
- meniscoid
- mensal
- menstrual
- menstruate
- menstruous
- mensurable
- mensural
- mental
- menticultural
- mentionable
- mephitic
- meracious
- mercable
- mercenary
- merchant
- merchantable
- merciable
- merciful
- merciless
- meridian
- meridional
- merino
- meritable
- meritorious
- meroblastic
- meroistic
- merry
- mesal
- mesaraic
- mesenteric
- meseraic
- meshed
- meshy
- mesial
- mesmeric
- mesocephalic
- mesodermal
- mesodermic
- mesogastric
- mesonephric
- mesopodial
- mesorhine
- mesosternal
- mesotrochal
- mesoxalic
- mest
- metacarpal
- metagastric
- metagenetic
- metagenic
- metagraphic
- metaleptic
- metallical
- metalliform
- metalline
- metalloid
- metallurgic
- metalogical
- metalorganic
- metameric
- metantimonic
- metapectic
- metaphoric
- metaphrastic
- metaphrastical
- metaphysic
- metaphysical
- metastatic
- metasternal
- metatarsal
- metathetic
- metatitanic
- metavanadic
- metayer
- metazoic
- mete
- metely
- meteoric
- meteorographic
- meteoroligic
- meteorous
- methodic
- methodical
- methodist
- methodistic
- methylic
- meticulous
- metonic
- metopic
- metric
- metrical
- metrological
- metropolitical
- mettled
Adjectives that Start with Mi
- miasmatic
- mica
- micaceous
- miching
- mickle
- microbian
- microbic
- microcosmic
- microcosmical
- microcoustic
- microcrystalline
- microform
- micrologic
- micrometric
- micronesian
- microphyllous
- microscopal
- microscopic
- microsporic
- microsthenic
- midday
- middle
- middlemost
- middling
- midget
- midland
- midnight
- midward
- midway
- mightful
- mightless
- mighty
- migrant
- mild
- milesian
- miliary
- military
- milken
- milkful
- milky
- milled
- millenary
- millennial
- milliary
- millifold
- millionth
- miltonic
- milvine
- mimetic
- mimical
- minable
- minaceous
- minacious
- minded
- mindful
- mindless
- mine
- miniard
- miniate
- miniature
- minimal
- minimum
- mining
- minion
- minionly
- minious
- minish
- ministral
- ministrant
- minor
- minority
- minus
- minutary
- minute
- miny
- mirable
- mirific
- mirifical
- mirk
- mirky
- mirthful
- mirthless
- misadventured
- misadventurous
- misadvised
- misanthropic
- misappreciated
- misbecoming
- misbegot
- misbehaved
- misborn
- miscellanarian
- miscellaneous
- miscellany
- mischievous
- miscible
- misconceived
- misconfident
- misconstruable
- miscontent
- miscreate
- miscreative
- miseasy
- miserable
- miserly
- misfortunate
- misgotten
- misgracious
- misguiding
- mishappy
- misleading
- mislin
- misly
- misplaced
- misproud
- misruly
- misshapen
- missheathed
- missing
- missy
- mistakable
- mistaken
- mistaught
- mistful
- mistrustful
- mistrustless
- misty
- miszealous
- mitigant
- mitigative
- mitral
- mitriform
- mity
- mixable
- mixed
- mixtilinear
Adjectives that Start with Mo
- moanful
- mobocratic
- mockable
- mocking
- mockish
- modal
- model
- moderable
- moderate
- modern
- modificable
- modish
- modular
- mody
- moist
- moistful
- moistless
- moisty
- moldable
- moldery
- moldy
- molestful
- moliminous
- molle
- mollient
- mollifiable
- molluscan
- molluscoidal
- molluscous
- moltable
- molten
- molybdous
- momental
- momentary
- momentous
- monacid
- monadic
- monadical
- monandric
- monandrous
- monanthous
- monarchal
- monarchic
- monasterial
- monastic
- monaxial
- monecious
- moneran
- monetary
- moneyless
- mongolian
- mongolic
- mongrel
- monied
- monistic
- monitive
- monkish
- monkly
- monobasic
- monocarbonic
- monocardian
- monocarpous
- monociliated
- monoclinal
- monoclinic
- monocotyle
- monocrotic
- monoculous
- monocystic
- monodic
- monodical
- monodramatic
- monoecian
- monoecious
- monogamic
- monogastric
- monogenetic
- monogenic
- monogrammal
- monogrammatic
- monogrammic
- monographic
- monographous
- monolithal
- monolithic
- monomerous
- monometallic
- monometric
- monomial
- monopersonal
- monopetalous
- monophonic
- monophyletic
- monophyllous
- monopteral
- monorganic
- monostichous
- monostrophic
- monosymmetric
- monothalamous
- monothecal
- monotocous
- monotonic
- monotonous
- monotypic
- monovalent
- monster
- monstrous
- monstruous
- monthly
- monumental
- moodish
- moody
- mooned
- moonet
- moonish
- moonless
- moonlight
- moonshine
- moonshiny
- moony
- moot
- mootable
- mope
- mopeful
- moral
- morassy
- morbid
- morbific
- morbillous
- morbose
- mordant
- mordicant
- mordicative
- moresk
- moribund
- moric
- morigerate
- morisco
- mormonite
- morning
- morose
- morosous
- morphologic
- morrimal
- mortal
- mosaic
- mosaical
- moslem
- most
- motherless
- mothery
- mothy
- motionless
- motivated
- motive
- motiveless
- motorized
- mottled
- motty
- mouldable
- mouldery
- mouldy
- mountable
- mountain
- mountainous
- mountant
- mounting
- mournful
- mourning
- mousing
- mousy
- mouther
- movable
- moveless
- moving
Adjectives that Start with Mu
- much
- mucic
- mucid
- mucific
- muciform
- muck
- muckle
- mucksy
- mucky
- muconic
- mucous
- muddled
- muddy
- muffish
- muggish
- mugiloid
- mulberry
- mulctary
- mulish
- mulley
- multiaxial
- multicolor
- multicuspid
- multidentate
- multifaced
- multifid
- multiflue
- multifold
- multiform
- multijugate
- multijugous
- multilateral
- multilineal
- multiloquous
- multinodous
- multinomial
- multinominal
- multiparous
- multipartite
- multiple
- multiplex
- multipliable
- multiplicable
- multiplicate
- multiplicative
- multipolar
- multipresent
- multiradiate
- multiscious
- multisect
- multiserial
- multispiral
- multistriate
- multisulcate
- multititular
- multivagant
- multivagous
- multivalent
- multivious
- multivocal
- multocular
- mummiform
- mumpish
- mundatory
- mungrel
- municipal
- munific
- mural
- murderous
- murenoid
- muriatic
- muricate
- muricoid
- muriculate
- muriform
- murine
- murk
- murky
- murmuring
- murmurous
- murrey
- musal
- muscatel
- musciform
- muscled
- muscoid
- muscular
- musculous
- museful
- museless
- mushy
- musical
- musky
- mussy
- mustily
- musty
- mutable
- mute
- muted
- mutic
- mutilate
- mutilous
- mutual
Adjectives that Start with My
- my
- myceloid
- mycologic
- mycological
- mydriatic
- myeloid
- myelonal
- mylohyoid
- myographic
- myologic
- myological
- myopathic
- myopic
- myotomic
- myriad
- myristic
- myronic
- myrtiform
- mystacal
- mystagogical
- mysterial
- mysterious
- mystery
- mystic
- mythic
- mythical
- mythologic
- mythopoetic
- mytiloid