Past Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises with Answers

Exercise of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Write down the correct form of the verb given in the bracket to make a sentence into the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

  1. The receptionist ____________ the applications for the interview. (accept)
  2. The delivery boy________________ the parcel on time at the destination. (not/deliver)
  3. Ben _____ always ____________ in front of his teacher in his lecture. (nod)
  4. ___ Thomas friends always _______________ him in school? (annoy)
  5. They __________________ much because of their friend’s absence. (not/enjoy)
  6. The stored water ___________________ above the dam in the rainy season. (overflow)
  7. When I saw him, he_________________ near the traffic signal on the highway. (beg)
  8. She __________________ the water in the milk to give to the customers. (not/mix)
  9. Her brother_____ always ____________________ her from intruders. (protect)
  10. They ____________________ the overall budget of the party last night. (not/calculate)
  11. We ______________________ another chopper in our artillery. (include)
  12. ____ he ______________ from fever due to the change in the climate? (suffer)
  13. I _____________ the freewheel of this machine yesterday. (change)
  14. She _________________ anything to anyone about the incident. (not/explain)
  15. John ________________ the job offer of the MNC of Cambridge. (reject)

Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Answers

  1. The receptionist had been accepting the applications for the interview.
  2. The delivery boy hadn’t been delivering the parcel on time at the destination.
  3. Ben had always been nodding in front of his teacher in his lecture.
  4. had Thomas friends always annoying him in school?
  5. They had not been enjoying much because of their friend’s absence.
  6. The stored water had been overflowing above the dam in the rainy season.
  7. When I saw him, he had been begging near the traffic signal on the highway.
  8. She hadn’t been mixing the water in the milk to give to the customers.
  9. Her brother had always been protecting her from intruders.
  10. They hadn’t been calculating the overall budget of the party last night.
  11. We had been including another chopper in our artillery.
  12. had he been suffering from fever due to the change in the climate?
  13. I had been changing the freewheel of this machine yesterday.
  14. She hadn’t been explaining anything to anyone about the incident.
  15. John had been rejecting the job offer of the MNC of Cambridge.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Worksheet

past perfect continuous tense worksheet

More Tenses

  1. Examples of Past perfect Tense
  2. Examples of Past Continuous Tense
  3. Examples of Past Perfect Tense