20 Examples of Preposition A Preposition is a word that represents the connection between another word and a noun or pronoun that comes later.

Examples of Preposition are in Sentences
- I get up in the morning before 6 o’clock.
- You can play video games after your studies.
- The brain is located inside the skull.
- She is dancing with him, a dance partner.
- His father is an employee of an IT company.
- He is nothing without my support.
- The teacher is explaining about some health diseases.
- The seminar is postponed due to some official reasons.
- The dumping ground is near the riverside.
- Where did all this letter come from?
- We have to leave this place before they reach here.
- The baby slept right through the night. (preposition examples)
- The dog jumped over the hurdle.
- The movie starts at three in the afternoon.
- I received a book from Alina yesterday.
- We are playing under the tree.
- When you think about the job
- The interior of this house is mind-blowing.
- These two guys are selected by the National Games
- Bring all the stuff here, out of which these two are better.
List of preposition
- About
- Abroad
- According to
- Across
- After
- Against
- Ago
- Ahead of
- Along
- Amidst
- Among
- Apart
- Around
- As
- As well as
- Aside
- At
- Away
- Because
- Before
- Behind
- Below
- Behind
- Beneath
- Beside
- Between
- Beyond
- But
- by
- concerning
- considering
- despite
- down
- during
- except
- excepting
- excluding
- following
- for
- from
- in
- inside
- into
- like
- minus
- near
- of
- off
- on
- onto
- opposite
- outside
- over
- past
- per
- plus
- regarding
- round
- save
- since
- than
- through
- to
- toward
- towards
- under
- underneath
- unlike
- until
- up
- upon
- versus
- via
- with
- within
- without
Exercise of Preposition
Choose a correct form of preposition as shown in bracket.
- We are preparing _____ (in, for, to) the entrance exam.
- She is going ___ (in, for, to) hospital.
- There are cookies are___ (in, for, to) the table.
- They stay ___ (at, in, for) a hotel.
- Your Spanish is fluent, I wish I could speak ______ (like, with, without) you.
- Ans: 1) for 2) to 3) in 4) at 5) like