What is the abbreviation?
An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, group of words or phrases, or lengthy expressions, which is used in some places to save the space and time of the writer and helps to reduce or neglect the repetition of long words or phrases. It consists of a group of letters to reduce the long words into a short one.
Acronyms are also functioned as like abbreviations which can be pronounced in a single word.
List of abbreviations used for students purpose:
- AAFI: Amateur Athletics Federation of India
- AAPSO: Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organisation
- AASU: All Assam Students Union
- ABM: Anti Ballistic Missile
- AC: Alternate Current/Air Conditioner
- ACC: Ancillary Cadet Core(After the birth of Jesus)
- ADB: Asian Development Bank
- AERE: Atomic Energy Research Establishment
- AGOC: Asian Games Organisation Committee
- AICTE: All India Council of Technical Education
- AIDS: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
- AIDWA: All India Democratic Women’s Association.
- AIFE: All India Football Federation
- AIIMS: All India Institute of Medical Science
- AIL: Aeronautics India Limited
- AIMPLB: All India Muslim Personal Law Board
- AIR: All India Radio(Broadcasting)
- AITUE: All India Trade Union Congress
- AM: Ante Meridian(Before Noon)
- ALS: Analytical Laboratory System
- ANC: African National Congress
- AP: Anti-Plague
- APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
- APEDAA: Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act.
- ASEAN: Association of South-East Asian Nations
- ASI: Archaeological Survey of India
- ASLV: Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
- ASSOCHAM: Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- ASWAC: Airborne Surveillance Warning and Control
- ATS: Anti Tetanus Serum
- BAMS: Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
- BARC: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
- BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
- BC: Before Christ(Before the birth of Jesus)
- BCCI: Board of Control for Cricket In India
- BCG: Bacillus Calmette Guerin (Anti TB Vaccine)
- BEL: Bharat Electronics Limited
- BENELUX: Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg
- BFC: Business Facilitation Council.
- BHEL: Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited
- BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China.
- BRTS: Bus Rapid Transit System.
- BVRAAM: Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile
- CAMPA: Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning Authority.
- CBEC: Central Board of Excise and Customs.
- CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
- C-DAP: Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan.
- CIDS: Construction Industry Development Council.
- CIET: Central Institute of Educational Technology.
- CIRDAP: Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific.
- CJP: Citizen for Justice and Peace.
- CLAT: Common Law Admission Test.
- COBSE: Council of Boards of School Education.
- CRRID: Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development.
- CSTO: Collective Security Treaty Organisation.
- CVERDE: Combat Vehicles Engineering Research and Development Establishment.
- CWMD: Countering weapons of Mass Destruction
- DDPA: Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
- DIPP: Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion.
- DOD: Department of Defence
- DPCC: Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
- DSIIDC: Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation.
- EBOV: Ebola Virus
- EBTC: European Business and Technology.
- ECB: External Commercial Borrowing.
- ECL: Electrochemiluminescence
- EDI: Education Development Index.
- EGOM: Empowered Group of Ministers.
- EMBO: European Molecular Biology Organisation.
- EML: European Mobile Laboratory
- EPFO: Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation.
- EPIC: Elector’s Photo Identity Card.
- EQUIS: European Quality Improvement System.
- ESA: Explosive Substance Act.
- ESCAR: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific.
- ESOA: Education Services for Overseas Students Act.
- EU: European Union
- FATF: Financial Action Task Force.
- FDF: Finnish Defence Forces
- FIA: Federal Investigation Agency.
- FOGSI: Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Societies of India.
- GC-MS: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer
- GFDRR: Global Facility For Disaster Reduction and Recovery.
- GPS: Global Positioning System.
- IBEX: Interstellar Boundary Explorer Mission.
- ICC: International Chamber of Commerce.
- ICRISAT: International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics.
- ICRP: International Commission on Radiological Protection.
- ICWF: Indian Community Welfare Fund.
- IDP: Internally Displaced Persons.
- IEDSS: Inclusive Education of the Disabled at Secondary Stage.
- IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development.
- IGCAR: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research.
- IGMDP: Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme.
- IID: Indian Institute of Diabetes.
- IIFCL: India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited.
- ILEWG: International Lunar Exploration Working Group.
- IMB: International Maritime Bureau.
- IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity.
- IMRH: Indian Multi-Role Helicopter.
- INCOIS: Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services.
- INST: Institute of Nano Science and Technology.
- INTACH: Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.
- IRNSS: The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System.
- ISC: Integrated Space Cell.
- ISSA: India Specific Safeguards Agreement.
- ISSM: International Society for Sexual Medicine.
- ISTP: International Society of Tropical Paediatrics.
- ISTRAC: Isro Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Network.
- IUCAA: Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics.
- IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature.
- JEM: Justice and Equality Movement.
- JNNURM: Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission.
- JUCCCE: Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy.
- LAC: Live-Action Cockpit.
- LHC: The Large Hadron Collider.
- LSGIs: Local Self-Governing Institutions.
- MAP: Military Appreciation Process
- MIP: Moon Impact Probe.
- MMIC: Multipurpose National Identity Card.
- MRMR: Medium Range Maritime Reconnaissance.
- MSME: Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises.
- NABI: National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute.
- NACIL: National Aviation Company of India Limited.
- NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
- NBER: National Bureau of Economic Research.
- NCEUS: National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector.
- NCHAC: North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council.
- NCHER: National Commission for Higher Education and Research.
- NCHRC: National Council for Human Resource in Health.
- NCPCR: National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
- NICD: National Institute of Communicable Disease
- NJC: National Judicial Council.
- NLD: National League for Democracy.
- NPCIL: Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
- NPS: New Pension System.
- NRCAF: National Research Centre for Agroforestry.
- NRHM: National Rural Health Mission.
- NSTEDB: National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board.
- NUEPA: National University of Educational Planning and Administration.
- NUTP: National Urban Transport Policy.
- OECD: The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- OSCE: Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe.
- PCA: Permanent Court of Arbitration.
- PHWRs: Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors.
- PIARC: Permanent International Association of Road Congresses.
- PTC: Power Trading Corporation.
- RAID: Rapid Assessment of Initial Destruction
- SAFMA: South Asia Free Media Association.
- SARPSCO: South Asia Regional Port Security Cooperative.
- SASS: Sri Amarnath Sangharsh Samiti.
- SCJRC: South Asian Centre for Journalists Reporting Conflict.
- SDIS: Skill Development Initiative Scheme.
- SEWA: Self Employed Women’s Association.
- SHE: Scholarship for Higher Education.
- SMEs: Small and Medium Enterprises.
- SRI: System for Rice Intensification.
- STPF: Special Tiger Protection Force.
- TAR: Trans-Asian Railway.
- THAAD: Theatre High Altitude Area Defence.
- UASL: Unified Access Service License.
- UNCBD: United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
- UNCLOS: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
- UNDF: United Nations Democracy Front.
- UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation.
- UNRWA: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (For Palestinian refugees).
- UNSCEAR: United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.