The gender of a noun is nothing but a classification of living beings by their sex discrimination. Gender helps to distinguish the noun type better.
This gender classification is categorized into two, Masculine nouns and Feminine nouns. Masculine nouns are the names of males such as boy, man, he, male animals, etc.
whereas Feminine noun covers female names like she, girl, woman, female animals, etc. it is essential in terms of English Grammar to specify the gender of a person.
Some of the genders are commonly called the neuter gender.
Let us study the masculine and feminine gender for better understanding with the help of the given table.

Sr. No. | Masculine | Feminine |
1 | Actor | Actress |
2 | Uncle | Aunt |
3 | Boy | Girl |
4 | Husband | Wife |
5 | Hero | Heroine |
6 | Man | Woman |
7 | Grandfather | Grandmother |
8 | Sir | Madam |
9 | Father | Mother |
10 | Brother | Sister |
11 | Daddy | Mummy |
12 | Son | Daughter |
13 | Master | Mistress |
14 | Prince | Princess |
15 | Nephew | Niece |
16 | God | Goddess |
17 | Dog | Bitch |
18 | King | Queen |
19 | Bull | Cow |
20 | Rooster | Hen |
21 | Lion | Lioness |
22 | Peacock | Peahen |
23 | Author | Authoress |
24 | Bridegroom | Bride |
25 | Businessman | Businesswoman |
26 | Chairman | Chairwoman |
27 | Emperor | Empress |
28 | Host | Hostess |
29 | Poet | Poetess |
30 | Gentleman | Lady |
31 | Lord | Lady |
32 | Landlord | Landlady |
33 | Tiger | Tigress |
34 | Fox | Vixen |
35 | Gander | Goose |
36 | Stallion (Horse) | Mare |
37 | Bachelor | Virgin (Spinster) |
38 | Governor | Governoress |
39 | Headmaster | Headmistress |
40 | Milkman | Milkwoman |
41 | Monk | Nun |
42 | Hunter | Huntress |
43 | Buck | Doe |
44 | Waiter | Waitress |
45 | Wizard | Witch |
46 | Prophet | Prophetess |
47 | Conductor | Conductress |
48 | Manservant | MaidServant |
49 | Duke | Duchess |
50 | Murderer | Murderess |