If you are looking for 5 letters words that end with “W”. Here you will find a list of all five-letter words ending with W.
5 Letter Words Ending in W
Some simple and commonly used 5-letter words that end with “W” include askew, aflow, bedew, elbow, enmew, finew, indow, imbow, miaow, nohow, oxbow, pshaw, resew, straw, screw, serow, strow, throw, unlaw, unbow, widow, and many more. These words can be incorporated into everyday conversations and activities.
Common 5-Letter Words Ending in W

List of 5 Letter Words Ending in W
- Ablow
- Adraw
- Advew
- Aflow
- Aglow
- Aknow
- Allow
- Arrow
- Askew
- Bedew
- Below
- Besaw
- Betow
- Botew
- Bylaw
- Cadew
- Cahow
- Devow
- Elbow
- Embow
- Emmew
- Endew
- Endow
- Enmew
- Ennew
- Ensew
- Ewhow
- Finew
- Imbow
- Immew
- Indew
- Indow
- Inlaw
- In-Law
- Inmew
- Innew
- Irakw
- Iraqw
- Kapow
- Kotow
- Macaw
- Menow
- Miaow
- Minnow
- Minow
- Narew
- Navew
- Nevew
- Nohow
- Oxbow
- Padow
- Papaw
- Pawaw
- Pilaw
- Pilow
- Pshaw
- Renew
- Resaw
- Resew
- Resow
- Revow
- Scraw
- Screw
- Scrow
- Serow
- Shrew
- Shrow
- Sinew
- Sprew
- Squaw
- Straw
- Strew
- Strow
- Sybow
- Theow
- Thraw
- Threw
- Throw
- Tohew
- Unbow
- Unlaw
- Unmew
- Unsaw
- Unsew
- Upbow
- Venew
- Vinew
- Volow
- Vrouw
- Wakaw
- Welew
- Widow
5 Letter Words End With W with Examples
- Askew: The picture on the wall is askew.
- Bedew: Morning dew bedew the grass.
- Elbow: He bumped his elbow on the table.
- Enmew: The cat will enmew when it’s hungry.
- Indow: I gazed out the window.
- Imbow: The rainbow formed an imbow in the sky.
- Miaow: The cat likes to miaow loudly.
- Oxbow: The river curved like an oxbow.
- Pshaw: “Pshaw,” he exclaimed in disbelief.
- Resew: She had to resew the torn seam.
- Straw: He made a hat out of straw.
- Screw: Use a screw to assemble the shelf.
- Serow: The elusive serow roamed the forest.
- Throw: Can you throw me the ball?
- Unlaw: It’s against the law; it’s unlaw.
- Unbow: The rainbow formed an unbowed arc.
- Widow: The widow lived alone in the old house.
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