5 Letter Words Ending in W

If you are looking for 5 letters words that end with “W”. Here you will find a list of all five-letter words ending with W.

5 Letter Words Ending in W

Some simple and commonly used 5-letter words that end with “W” include askew, aflow, bedew, elbow, enmew, finew, indow, imbow, miaow, nohow, oxbow, pshaw, resew, straw, screw, serow, strow, throw, unlaw, unbow, widow, and many more. These words can be incorporated into everyday conversations and activities.

Common 5-Letter Words Ending in W

5 letter words ending in w

List of 5 Letter Words Ending in W

  1. Ablow
  2. Adraw
  3. Advew
  4. Aflow
  5. Aglow
  6. Aknow
  7. Allow
  8. Arrow
  9. Askew
  10. Bedew
  11. Below
  12. Besaw
  13. Betow
  14. Botew
  15. Bylaw
  16. Cadew
  17. Cahow
  18. Devow
  19. Elbow
  20. Embow
  21. Emmew
  22. Endew
  23. Endow
  24. Enmew
  25. Ennew
  26. Ensew
  27. Ewhow
  28. Finew
  29. Imbow
  30. Immew
  31. Indew
  32. Indow
  33. Inlaw
  34. In-Law
  35. Inmew
  36. Innew
  37. Irakw
  38. Iraqw
  39. Kapow
  40. Kotow
  41. Macaw
  42. Menow
  43. Miaow
  44. Minnow
  45. Minow
  46. Narew
  47. Navew
  48. Nevew
  49. Nohow
  50. Oxbow
  51. Padow
  52. Papaw
  53. Pawaw
  54. Pilaw
  55. Pilow
  56. Pshaw
  57. Renew
  58. Resaw
  59. Resew
  60. Resow
  61. Revow
  62. Scraw
  63. Screw
  64. Scrow
  65. Serow
  66. Shrew
  67. Shrow
  68. Sinew
  69. Sprew
  70. Squaw
  71. Straw
  72. Strew
  73. Strow
  74. Sybow
  75. Theow
  76. Thraw
  77. Threw
  78. Throw
  79. Tohew
  80. Unbow
  81. Unlaw
  82. Unmew
  83. Unsaw
  84. Unsew
  85. Upbow
  86. Venew
  87. Vinew
  88. Volow
  89. Vrouw
  90. Wakaw
  91. Welew
  92. Widow

5 Letter Words End With W with Examples

  1. Askew: The picture on the wall is askew.
  2. Bedew: Morning dew bedew the grass.
  3. Elbow: He bumped his elbow on the table.
  4. Enmew: The cat will enmew when it’s hungry.
  5. Indow: I gazed out the window.
  6. Imbow: The rainbow formed an imbow in the sky.
  7. Miaow: The cat likes to miaow loudly.
  8. Oxbow: The river curved like an oxbow.
  9. Pshaw: “Pshaw,” he exclaimed in disbelief.
  10. Resew: She had to resew the torn seam.
  11. Straw: He made a hat out of straw.
  12. Screw: Use a screw to assemble the shelf.
  13. Serow: The elusive serow roamed the forest.
  14. Throw: Can you throw me the ball?
  15. Unlaw: It’s against the law; it’s unlaw.
  16. Unbow: The rainbow formed an unbowed arc.
  17. Widow: The widow lived alone in the old house.

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