If you are looking for 5 letters words that end with “U”. Here you will find a list of all five-letter words ending with U.
5 Letter Words Ending in U
Some simple and commonly used 5-letter words that end with “U” include Bayou, Buchu, Centu, Coypu, Haiku, Jambu, Kudzu, Mambu, Miaou, Nandu, Otaku, Pendu, Pittu, Ponzu, Puttu, Sajou, Shoyu, Tansu, Tuktu, Vendu, Vodou, and many more. These words can be incorporated into everyday conversations and activities.
Common 5-Letter Words Ending in U

List of 5 Letter Words Ending in U
- Adieu
- Ahuru
- Anjou
- Bailu
- Bantu
- Bappu
- Barbu
- Battu
- Bayou
- Bijou
- Bitou
- Boldu
- Boutu
- Boyau
- Buchu
- Bucku
- Bulau
- Bundu
- Bussu
- Butsu
- Centu
- Chiru
- Cornu
- Coyau
- Coypu
- Dictu
- Fajiu
- Fichu
- Fogou
- Fondu
- Goghu
- Haiku
- Heiau
- Hijau
- Hinau
- Hindu
- Hokku
- Hukou
- Ianfu
- Jambu
- Jantu
- Jitou
- Kahau
- Kanzu
- Kauru
- Kawau
- Kiasu
- Kombu
- Konbu
- Kudzu
- Laddu
- Lassu
- Mambu
- Mapau
- Mapou
- Matsu
- Merou
- Miaou
- Milou
- Mundu
- Muntu
- Nairu
- Nandu
- Nikau
- Noyau
- Otaku
- Padou
- Pallu
- Pareu
- Passu
- Pattu
- Pekau
- Pelau
- Pendu
- Perdu
- Phutu
- Pikau
- Pilau
- Pishu
- Pitsu
- Pittu
- Poilu
- Ponzu
- Poyou
- Prahu
- Purau
- Puttu
- Queyu
- Quipu
- Remou
- Rendu
- Rompu
- Sadhu
- Sajou
- Samfu
- Sangu
- Sensu
- Shabu
- Shoyu
- Sissu
- Snafu
- Statu
- Tansu
- Tatou
- Tendu
- Tennu
- Topau
- Trabu
- Tragu
- Trubu
- Tuktu
- Uhuru
- Urubu
- Uvrou
- Vendu
- Vertu
- Virtu
- Visau
- Vodou
- Voulu
- Wagyu
- Wekau
- Wushu
What are 5 Letter Words Ending in U?
- Bayou: A marshy outlet of a lake or river.
- Buchu: A fragrant shrub used in herbal medicine.
- Centu: A fictional monetary unit.
- Coypu: A semiaquatic rodent resembling a large rat.
- Jambu: An Asian fruit with a crisp texture.
- Kudzu: A fast-growing, invasive vine.
- Mambu: A type of bamboo used for various purposes.
- Miaou: The sound a cat makes, similar to “meow.”
- Pendu: A term in Punjabi meaning “hanged” or “suspended.”
- Pittu: A Sri Lankan dish made with rice and coconut.
- Ponzu: A citrus-based sauce used in Japanese cuisine.
- Sajou: A type of monkey found in South America.
- Shoyu: Japanese soy sauce.
- Tansu: A traditional Japanese chest of drawers.
- Tuktu: An Inuit word for caribou or reindeer.
- Vendu: French for “sold.”
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