Are you looking for the masculine and feminine gender of humans? Generally, every human being has a masculine and feminine who are given different names. We have a complete list of the masculine and feminine gender of humans, which is given below.
Types of Gender
- Masculine gender
- Feminine gender
- Common gender
- Neuter gender
Masculine Gender:
A noun that indicates the gender of a man is called the masculine gender.
Feminine Gender:
A noun that indicates the gender of a female is called the feminine gender.
Common Gender:
A noun that indicates the gender of either male or female is called a common gender.
Neuter Gender:
The noun that indicates an inanimate object is called a neuter gender.

List of Masculine and Feminine Words in English
Sr No | Masculine | Feminine |
1 | Actor | Actress |
2 | Author | Authoress |
3 | Bachelor | Maid / Spinster |
4 | Baron | Baroness |
5 | Benefactor | Benefactress |
6 | Boy | Girl |
7 | Brother | Sister |
8 | Brother | Sister |
9 | Brother-In-Law | Sister-In-Law |
10 | Brother-In-Law | Sister-In-Law |
11 | Bull | Cow |
12 | Bull-Calf | Cow-Calf |
13 | Bullock | Heifer |
14 | Cock | Hen |
15 | Cock-Sparrow | Hen-Sparrow |
16 | Colt | Filly |
17 | Conductor | Conductress |
18 | Count | Countess |
19 | Czar | Czarina |
20 | Dog | Bitch |
21 | Drake | Duck |
22 | Drone | Bee |
23 | Duke | Duchess |
24 | Emperor | Empress |
25 | Enchanter | Enchantress |
26 | English Man | English Woman |
27 | Father | Mother |
28 | Founder | Foundress |
29 | Fox | Vixen |
30 | Gander | Goose |
31 | Gentleman | Lady |
32 | Giant | Giantess |
33 | Grandfather | Grandmother |
34 | Great-Uncle | Great-Aunt |
35 | Heir | Heiress |
36 | He-Mule | She-Mule |
37 | Hero | Heroine |
38 | Horse | Mare |
39 | Host | Hostess |
40 | Hostess | Steward |
41 | Hunter | Huntress |
42 | Hunter | Huntress |
43 | Husband | Wife |
44 | Instructor | Instructress |
45 | Jew | Jewess |
46 | King | Queen |
47 | Landlord | Landlady |
48 | Lion | Lioness |
49 | Lord | Lady |
50 | Man | Woman |
51 | Manager | Manageress |
52 | Manservant | Maidservant |
53 | Master | Mistress |
54 | Maternal-Uncle | Maternal-Aunt |
55 | Mayor | Mayoress |
56 | Milkman | Milk-Woman |
57 | Monk | Nun |
58 | Murderer | Murderess |
59 | Negro | Negress |
60 | Nephew | Niece |
61 | Patron | Patroness |
62 | Peacock | Peahen |
63 | Poet | Poetess |
64 | Priest | Priestess |
65 | Prince | Princess |
66 | Sales Man | Sales Girl |
67 | Shepherd | Shepherdess |
68 | Signor | Signora |
69 | Sir | Madam |
70 | Son | Daughter |
71 | Songster | Songstress |
72 | Son-In-Law | Daughter-In-Law |
73 | Stag | Hind |
74 | Stallion | Mare |
75 | Step-Son | Step-Daughter |
76 | Sultan | Sultana |
77 | Tiger | Tigress |
78 | Traitor | Traitress |
79 | Tutor | Governess |
80 | Uncle | Aunt |
81 | Waiter | Waitress |
82 | Widow | Widower |
83 | Wizard | Witch |