Hi guys, we have collected a huge list of nouns are shown below

List of Nouns
Noun list A to Z
Nouns that start with A
- Ability
- Abroad
- Abuse
- Access
- Accident
- Account
- Act
- Action
- Active
- Activity
- Actor
- Ad
- Addition
- Address
- Administration
- Adult
- Advance
- Advantage
- Advertising
- Advice
- Affair
- Affect
- Afternoon
- Age
- Agency
- Agent
- Agreement
- Air
- Airline
- Airport
- Alarm
- Alcohol
- Alternative
- Ambition
- Amount
- Analysis
- Analyst
- Anger
- Angle
- Animal
- Annual
- Answer
- Anxiety
- Anybody
- Anything
- Anywhere
- Apartment
- Appeal
- Appearance
- Apple
- Application
- Appointment
- Area
- Argument
- Arm
- Army
- Arrival
- Art
- Article
- Aside
- Ask
- Aspect
- Assignment
- Assist
- Assistance
- Assistant
- Associate
- Association
- Assumption
- Atmosphere
- Attack
- Attempt
- Attention
- Attitude
- Audience
- Author
- Average
- Award
- Awareness
Nouns that start with B
- Baby
- Back
- Background
- Bad
- Bag
- Bake
- Balance
- Ball
- Band
- Bank
- Bar
- Base
- Baseball
- Basis
- Basket
- Bat
- Bath
- Bathroom
- Battle
- Beach
- Bear
- Beat
- Beautiful
- Bed
- Bedroom
- Beer
- Beginning
- Being
- Bell
- Belt
- Bench
- Bend
- Benefit
- Bet
- Beyond
- Bicycle
- Bid
- Big
- Bike
- Bill
- Bird
- Birth
- Birthday
- Bit
- Bite
- Bitter
- Black
- Blame
- Blank
- Blind
- Block
- Blood
- Blow
- Blue
- Board
- Boat
- Body
- Bone
- Bonus
- Book
- Boot
- Border
- Boss
- Bother
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Bowl
- Box
- Boy
- Boyfriend
- Brain
- Branch
- Brave
- Bread
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breast
- Breath
- Brick
- Bridge
- Brief
- Brilliant
- Broad
- Brother
- Brown
- Brush
- Buddy
- Budget
- Bug
- Building
- Bunch
- Burn
- Bus
- Business
- Button
- Buy
- Buyer
Nouns that start with C
- Cabinet
- Cable
- Cake
- Calendar
- Call
- Calm
- Camera
- Camp
- Campaign
- Can
- Cancel
- Cancer
- Candidate
- Candle
- Candy
- Cap
- Capital
- Car
- Card
- Care
- Career
- Carpet
- Carry
- Case
- Cash
- Cat
- Catch
- Category
- Cause
- Celebration
- Cell
- Chain
- Chair
- Challenge
- Champion
- Championship
- Chance
- Change
- Channel
- Chapter
- Character
- Charge
- Charity
- Chart
- Check
- Cheek
- Chemical
- Chemistry
- Chest
- Chicken
- Child
- Childhood
- Chip
- Chocolate
- Choice
- Church
- Cigarette
- City
- Claim
- Class
- Classic
- Classroom
- Clerk
- Click
- Client
- Climate
- Clock
- Closet
- Clothes
- Cloud
- Club
- Clue
- Coach
- Coast
- Coat
- Code
- Coffee
- Cold
- Collar
- Collection
- College
- Combination
- Combine
- Comfort
- Comfortable
- Command
- Comment
- Commercial
- Commission
- Committee
- Common
- Communication
- Community
- Company
- Comparison
- Competition
- Complaint
- Complex
- Computer
- Concentrate
- Concept
- Concern
- Concert
- Conclusion
- Condition
- Conference
- Confidence
- Conflict
- Confusion
- Connection
- Consequence
- Consideration
- Consist
- Constant
- Construction
- Contact
- Contest
- Context
- Contract
- Contribution
- Control
- Conversation
- Convert
- Cook
- Cookie
- Copy
- Corner
- Cost
- Count
- Counter
- Country
- County
- Couple
- Courage
- Course
- Court
- Cousin
- Cover
- Cow
- Crack
- Craft
- Crash
- Crazy
- Cream
- Creative
- Credit
- Crew
- Criticism
- Cross
- Cry
- Culture
- Cup
- Currency
- Current
- Curve
- Customer
- Cut
- Cycle
Nouns that start with D
- Dad
- Damage
- Dance
- Dare
- Dark
- Data
- Database
- Date
- Daughter
- Day
- Dead
- Deal
- Dealer
- Dear
- Death
- Debate
- Debt
- Decision
- Deep
- Definition
- Degree
- Delay
- Delivery
- Demand
- Department
- Departure
- Dependent
- Deposit
- Depression
- Depth
- Description
- Design
- Designer
- Desire
- Desk
- Detail
- Development
- Device
- Devil
- Diamond
- Diet
- Difference
- Difficulty
- Dig
- Dimension
- Dinner
- Direction
- Director
- Dirt
- Disaster
- Discipline
- Discount
- Discussion
- Disease
- Dish
- Disk
- Display
- Distance
- Distribution
- District
- Divide
- Doctor
- Document
- Dog
- Door
- Dot
- Double
- Doubt
- Draft
- Drag
- Drama
- Draw
- Drawer
- Drawing
- Dream
- Dress
- Drink
- Drive
- Driver
- Drop
- Drunk
- Due
- Dump
- Dust
- Duty
Nouns that start with F
- Face
- Fact
- Factor
- Fail
- Failure
- Fall
- Familiar
- Family
- Fan
- Farm
- Farmer
- Fat
- Father
- Fault
- Fear
- Feature
- Fee
- Feed
- Feedback
- Feel
- Feeling
- Female
- Few
- Field
- Fight
- Figure
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Final
- Finance
- Finding
- Finger
- Finish
- Fire
- Fish
- Fishing
- Fix
- Flight
- Floor
- Flow
- Flower
- Fly
- Focus
- Fold
- Following
- Food
- Foot
- Football
- Force
- Forever
- Form
- Formal
- Fortune
- Foundation
- Frame
- Freedom
- Friend
- Friendship
- Front
- Fruit
- Fuel
- Fun
- Function
- Funeral
- Funny
- Future
Nouns that start with G
- Gain
- Game
- Gap
- Garage
- Garbage
- Garden
- Gas
- Gate
- Gather
- Gear
- Gene
- General
- Gift
- Girl
- Girlfriend
- Give
- Glad
- Glass
- Glove
- Go
- Goal
- God
- Gold
- Golf
- Good
- Government
- Grab
- Grade
- Grand
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Grass
- Great
- Green
- Grocery
- Ground
- Group
- Growth
- Guarantee
- Guard
- Guess
- Guest
- Guidance
- Guide
- Guitar
- Guy
Nouns that start with H
- Habit
- Hair
- Half
- Hall
- Hand
- Handle
- Hang
- Harm
- Hat
- Hate
- Head
- Health
- Hearing
- Heart
- Heat
- Heavy
- Height
- Hell
- Hello
- Help
- Hide
- High
- Highlight
- Highway
- Hire
- Historian
- History
- Hit
- Hold
- Hole
- Holiday
- Home
- Homework
- Honey
- Hook
- Hope
- Horror
- Horse
- Hospital
- Host
- Hotel
- Hour
- House
- Housing
- Human
- Hunt
- Hurry
- Hurt
- Husband
Nouns that start with I
- Ice
- Idea
- Ideal
- If
- Illegal
- Image
- Imagination
- Impact
- Implement
- Importance
- Impress
- Impression
- Improvement
- Incident
- Income
- Increase
- Independence
- Independent
- Indication
- Individual
- Industry
- Inevitable
- Inflation
- Influence
- Information
- Initial
- Initiative
- Injury
- Insect
- Inside
- Inspection
- Inspector
- Instance
- Instruction
- Insurance
- Intention
- Interaction
- Interest
- Internal
- International
- Internet
- Interview
- Introduction
- Investment
- Invite
- Iron
- Island
- Issue
- It
- Item
Nouns that start with J
- Jacket
- Job
- Join
- Joint
- Joke
- Judge
- Judgment
- Juice
- Jump
- Junior
- Jury
Nouns that start with K
- Keep
- Key
- Kick
- Kid
- Kill
- Kind
- King
- Kiss
- Kitchen
- Knee
- Knife
- Knowledge
Nouns that start with L
- Lab
- Lack
- Ladder
- Lady
- Lake
- Land
- Landscape
- Language
- Laugh
- Law
- Lawyer
- Lay
- Layer
- Lead
- Leader
- Leadership
- Leading
- League
- Leather
- Leave
- Lecture
- Leg
- Length
- Lesson
- Let
- Letter
- Level
- Library
- Lie
- Life
- Lift
- Light
- Limit
- Line
- Link
- Lip
- List
- Listen
- Literature
- Living
- Load
- Loan
- Local
- Location
- Lock
- Log
- Long
- Look
- Loss
- Love
- Low
- Luck
- Lunch
Nouns that start with M
- Machine
- Magazine
- Main
- Maintenance
- Major
- Make
- Male
- Mall
- Man
- Management
- Manager
- Manner
- Manufacturer
- Many
- Map
- March
- Mark
- Market
- Marketing
- Marriage
- Master
- Match
- Mate
- Material
- Math
- Matter
- Maximum
- Maybe
- Meal
- Meaning
- Measurement
- Meat
- Media
- Medicine
- Medium
- Meet
- Meeting
- Member
- Membership
- Memory
- Mention
- Menu
- Mess
- Message
- Metal
- Method
- Middle
- Midnight
- Might
- Milk
- Mind
- Mine
- Minimum
- Minor
- Minute
- Mirror
- Miss
- Mission
- Mistake
- Mix
- Mixture
- Mobile
- Mode
- Model
- Mom
- Moment
- Money
- Monitor
- Month
- Mood
- Morning
- Mortgage
- Most
- Mother
- Motor
- Mountain
- Mouse
- Mouth
- Move
- Movie
- Mud
- Muscle
- Music
Nouns that start with N
- Nail
- Name
- Nasty
- Nation
- National
- Native
- Natural
- Nature
- Neat
- Necessary
- Neck
- Negative
- Negotiation
- Nerve
- Net
- Network
- News
- Newspaper
- Night
- Nobody
- Noise
- Normal
- North
- Nose
- Note
- Nothing
- Notice
- Novel
- Number
- Nurse
Nouns that start with O
- Object
- Objective
- Obligation
- Occasion
- Offer
- Office
- Officer
- Official
- Oil
- One
- Opening
- Operation
- Opinion
- Opportunity
- Opposite
- Option
- Orange
- Order
- Ordinary
- Organization
- Original
- Other
- Outcome
- Outside
- Oven
- Owner
Nouns that start with P
- Pace
- Pack
- Package
- Page
- Pain
- Paint
- Painting
- Pair
- Panic
- Paper
- Parent
- Park
- Parking
- Part
- Particular
- Partner
- Party
- Pass
- Passage
- Passenger
- Passion
- Past
- Path
- Patience
- Patient
- Pattern
- Pause
- Pay
- Payment
- Peace
- Peak
- Pen
- Penalty
- Pension
- People
- Percentage
- Perception
- Performance
- Period
- Permission
- Permit
- Person
- Personal
- Personality
- Perspective
- Phase
- Philosophy
- Phone
- Photo
- Phrase
- Physical
- Physics
- Piano
- Pick
- Picture
- Pie
- Piece
- Pin
- Pipe
- Pitch
- Pizza
- Place
- Plan
- Plane
- Plant
- Plastic
- Plate
- Platform
- Play
- Player
- Pleasure
- Plenty
- Poem
- Poet
- Poetry
- Point
- Police
- Policy
- Politics
- Pollution
- Pool
- Pop
- Population
- Position
- Positive
- Possession
- Possibility
- Possible
- Post
- Pot
- Potato
- Potential
- Pound
- Power
- Practice
- Preference
- Preparation
- Presence
- Present
- Presentation
- President
- Press
- Pressure
- Price
- Pride
- Priest
- Primary
- Principle
- Prior
- Priority
- Private
- Prize
- Problem
- Procedure
- Process
- Produce
- Product
- Profession
- Professional
- Professor
- Profile
- Profit
- Program
- Progress
- Project
- Promise
- Promotion
- Prompt
- Proof
- Property
- Proposal
- Protection
- Psychology
- Public
- Pull
- Punch
- Purchase
- Purple
- Purpose
- Push
- Put
Nouns that start with Q
- Quality
- Quantity
- Quarter
- Queen
- Question
- Quiet
- Quit
- Quote
Nouns that start with R
- Race
- Radio
- Rain
- Raise
- Range
- Rate
- Ratio
- Raw
- Reach
- Reaction
- Read
- Reading
- Reality
- Reason
- Reception
- Recipe
- Recognition
- Recommendation
- Record
- Recording
- Recover
- Red
- Reference
- Reflection
- Refrigerator
- Refuse
- Region
- Register
- Regret
- Regular
- Relation
- Relationship
- Relative
- Release
- Relief
- Remote
- Remove
- Rent
- Repair
- Repeat
- Replacement
- Reply
- Report
- Representative
- Republic
- Reputation
- Request
- Requirement
- Research
- Reserve
- Resident
- Resist
- Resolution
- Resolve
- Resort
- Resource
- Respect
- Respond
- Response
- Responsibility
- Rest
- Restaurant
- Result
- Return
- Reveal
- Revenue
- Review
- Revolution
- Reward
- Rice
- Rich
- Ride
- Ring
- Rip
- Rise
- Risk
- River
- Road
- Rock
- Role
- Roll
- Roof
- Room
- Rope
- Rough
- Round
- Routine
- Row
- Royal
- Rub
- Ruin
- Rule
- Run
- Rush
Nouns that start with S
- Sad
- Safe
- Safety
- Sail
- Salad
- Salary
- Sale
- Salt
- Sample
- Sand
- Sandwich
- Satisfaction
- Save
- Savings
- Scale
- Scene
- Schedule
- Scheme
- School
- Science
- Score
- Scratch
- Screen
- Screw
- Script
- Sea
- Search
- Season
- Seat
- Second
- Secret
- Secretary
- Section
- Sector
- Security
- Selection
- Self
- Sell
- Senior
- Sense
- Sensitive
- Sentence
- Series
- Serve
- Service
- Session
- Set
- Setting
- Sex
- Shake
- Shame
- Shape
- Share
- She
- Shelter
- Shift
- Shine
- Ship
- Shirt
- Shock
- Shoe
- Shoot
- Shop
- Shopping
- Shot
- Shoulder
- Show
- Shower
- Sick
- Side
- Sign
- Signal
- Signature
- Significance
- Silly
- Silver
- Simple
- Sing
- Singer
- Single
- Sink
- Sir
- Sister
- Site
- Situation
- Size
- Skill
- Skin
- Skirt
- Sky
- Sleep
- Slice
- Slide
- Slip
- Smell
- Smile
- Smoke
- Snow
- Society
- Sock
- Soft
- Software
- Soil
- Solid
- Solution
- Somewhere
- Son
- Song
- Sort
- Sound
- Soup
- Source
- South
- Space
- Spare
- Speaker
- Special
- Specialist
- Specific
- Speech
- Speed
- Spell
- Spend
- Spirit
- Spiritual
- Spite
- Split
- Sport
- Spot
- Spray
- Spread
- Spring
- Square
- Stable
- Staff
- Stage
- Stand
- Standard
- Star
- Start
- State
- Statement
- Station
- Status
- Stay
- Steak
- Steal
- Step
- Stick
- Still
- Stock
- Stomach
- Stop
- Storage
- Store
- Storm
- Story
- Strain
- Stranger
- Strategy
- Street
- Strength
- Stress
- Stretch
- Strike
- String
- Strip
- Stroke
- Structure
- Struggle
- Student
- Studio
- Study
- Stuff
- Stupid
- Style
- Subject
- Substance
- Success
- Suck
- Sugar
- Suggestion
- Suit
- Summer
- Sun
- Supermarket
- Support
- Surgery
- Surprise
- Surround
- Survey
- Suspect
- Sweet
- Swim
- Swimming
- Swing
- Switch
- Sympathy
- System
Nouns that start with T
- Table
- Tackle
- Tale
- Talk
- Tank
- Tap
- Target
- Task
- Taste
- Tax
- Tea
- Teach
- Teacher
- Teaching
- Team
- Tear
- Technology
- Telephone
- Television
- Tell
- Temperature
- Temporary
- Tennis
- Tension
- Term
- Test
- Text
- Thanks
- Theme
- Theory
- Thing
- Thought
- Throat
- Ticket
- Tie
- Till
- Time
- Tip
- Title
- Today
- Toe
- Tomorrow
- Tone
- Tongue
- Tonight
- Tool
- Tooth
- Top
- Topic
- Total
- Touch
- Tough
- Tour
- Tourist
- Towel
- Tower
- Town
- Track
- Trade
- Tradition
- Traffic
- Train
- Trainer
- Training
- Transition
- Transportation
- Trash
- Travel
- Treat
- Tree
- Trick
- Trip
- Trouble
- Truck
- Trust
- Truth
- Try
- Tune
- Turn
- Twist
- Two
- Type
Nouns that start with U
- Uncle
- Understanding
- Union
- Unique
- Unit
- University
- Upper
- Upstairs
- Use
- User
- Usual
Nouns that start with V
- Vacation
- Valuable
- Value
- Variation
- Variety
- Vast
- Vegetable
- Vehicle
- Version
- Video
- View
- Village
- Virus
- Visit
- Visual
- Voice
- Volume
Nouns that start with W
- Wait
- Wake
- Walk
- Wall
- War
- Warning
- Wash
- Watch
- Water
- Wave
- Way
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Wear
- Weather
- Web
- Wedding
- Week
- Weekend
- Weight
- Weird
- Welcome
- West
- Western
- Wheel
- Whereas
- While
- White
- Whole
- Wife
- Will
- Win
- Wind
- Window
- Wine
- Wing
- Winner
- Winter
- Wish
- Witness
- Woman
- Wonder
- Wood
- Word
- Work
- Worker
- Working
- World
- Worry
- Worth
- Wrap
- Writer
- Writing
Nouns that start with Y
- Yard
- Year
- Yellow
- Yesterday
- You
- Young
- Youth
- Zone
Download: List of nouns pdf
The Noun is a naming word.
There are various nouns used in the English language, and also we use them in our day-to-day life.
The Noun describes any particular person, place, thing, or idea in any sentence.
The sentence contains a subject that is also called a Noun.
Abraham Lincoln, Elisabeth, Israel, Temple, Malaysia, Democracy, Friendship, Bike, Book, etc.
According to the name of any particular person, place, thing, or any idea in a sentence,
The noun is classified into five different categories-
- Proper Noun
- Common Noun
- Collective Noun
- Abstract Noun and
- Materialistic Noun.
Proper Noun:
The proper Noun determines the specific person, place, thing or object, or idea used in a sentence.
It always begins with a capital letter to represent a name.
Some examples of Proper nouns include person, place, thing or object, or ideas.
Miss Jane: I will introduce you to Miss Jane.
Uncle Stevan: Did you talk about our relationship with Uncle Stevan?
Kedarnath: A Hindu temple is situated in Kedarnath in India.
Cape Town: Cape Town is a nice place that is situated on the African continent.
The Statue of Liberty: The Statue of Liberty is situated in the United States of America.
Book: He took a book from the library.
Freedom: Freedom fighters sacrifice their lives to give freedom to our nation.
Happiness: Barbie dolls give happiness to that little girl.
Common Noun:
A common noun is a noun that can also be used in place of a proper noun.
It is a general noun that does not specify any particular place, thing, or person, but it characterizes what we need to introduce without capitalization.
Common nouns may be countable or mass according to their size and quantity.
It may be singular or plural, which adds “s” or “es” at the end of the word.
Some examples of Common Noun:
Bridge: He is crossing a bridge built on the river.
Computer: He is crossing a bridge built on the river.
Dress: She wore a beautiful dress for the party.
Engine: Put the engine button in turn-off mode.
Game: We are playing a game with our friends.
Husband: Her husband is a public servant.
Rope: I will throw a rope to you. You climb up with the help of the rope.
Water: Split some water on the flowerpots.
Collective Noun:
A collective noun describes a group of individuals, things. Therefore, it is also called group nouns.
Examples of a collective noun:
Troop: Some troop members are not coming with us for a mission.
Squad: An Army squad is coming towards us full of artillery.
Class: The whole class is absent today for any random reason.
Library: Sam and his friends are going to the library to get a collection of new books.
Orchestra: An orchestra is organized tonight near our hometown.
Bunch: Andrew stole a bunch of bananas from the tree and ran away with his friends.
Group: A group of people is working inside the tunnel in an open coal mine.
Bundle: He is carrying a bundle of sticks to his home for some purpose.
Abstract Noun:
An abstract noun is a noun that cannot be recognized by our body or any sense organs like touch, vision, hear, smell, taste, respectively.
In simple words, an Abstract noun expresses feelings, ideas, qualities that are unable to touch or experience.
Examples of Abstract Noun:
Weakness: She is feeling some weakness for the past few days.
Trust: Every relationship needs trust to be strong.
Justice: The courtroom and the judicial system failed to give justice to this little girl.
Happiness: Look at the happiness on his face after victory.
Growth: The growth of the body is natural; only we have to work out to remain fit and fine.
Friendship: Their friendship lasts forever.
Cleverness: Thomas is known for his cleverness.
Bravery: He has been awarded by the Prime Minister for his bravery in the army.
Materialistic Noun:
The materialist noun determines the names of materials and things made up of metals or other kinds of material.
In simple words, the materialist noun means a person who believes in physical comforts and owing money, rather than beliefs and spiritual values.
Tar: Tar is produced in the lungs due to excess smoking.
Sand: Sahra desert is full of sand and is the largest desert on earth.
Rubber: She purchased a rubber band for her friend to give him on friendship day.
Plywood: Zera is making some furniture with the help of plywood.
Lead: I got some essential lead in that investigation.
Glass: Glass is a fragile material.
Diamond: Diamond is the hardest material.
Aluminum: Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity.