What is homophones?
A homophone is a word that means one or two or three words that have the same sound or pronunciation but they have different meanings, same or different spellings, and also having different derivations.
For example,
To—too—two; rose—rows—rose; carat—carrot; his—hiss; etc.

List of Homophones
- abel — able
- accede — exceed
- accept—except
- addition—edition
- adds—adz
- affect—effect
- air—heir
- ale—ail
- all ready—already
- aloud—allowed
- altar—alter
- ate—eight
- ax—acts—ax
- axel—axle
- axes—axis
- aye—i
- ayes—eyes
- baa—bah
- Baal—bail
- ball—bowl—bawl
- band—banned
- bare—bear
- bass—base
- baste—based
- bate—bet—bait
- bean—been
- been—bin
- billed—build
- bite—byte
- blew—blue
- board—bored
- boy—buoy
- brake—break
- bread—bred
- buy—bye—by
- byte—bight
- cache—cash
- caddie—caddy
- cain—cane
- ceiling—sealing
- cell—sell
- cent—scent
- cereal—serial
- cheap—chip
- check—cheque
- check—Czech
- chews—choose
- click—clique
- climb—clime
- coarse—course
- colonel—kernel
- coolie—coulee
- coop—coupe
- cops—copse
- cord—cored—chord
- coughers—coffers
- council—counsel
- craft—kraft
- deer—dear
- dense—dents
- descent—dissent
- die—dye
- draft—draught
- faint—feint
- fair—fare
- fawn—faun
- fax—facts
- feat—feet
- find—fined
- flour—floor—flower
- flu—flew
- flyer—flier
- fold—foald
- fort—forte
- gored—gourd
- gorilla—guerilla
- grade—grayed
- graft—graphed
- grate—great
- greece—grease
- grisly—grizzly
- groan—grown
- guessed—guest
- guild—gid
- guilt—gilt
- gym—jim
- hair—hare
- hall—haul
- heal—heel—he’ll
- hear—here
- he’d—heed
- heroin—heroine
- hey—hay
- higher—hire
- hi—high
- him—hymm
- hole—whole
- holy—holey—wholly
- hose—hoes
- hurts—hertz
- idle—idol—ideal
- its—it’s
- key—quay
- knap—nap
- knew—new
- knight—night
- knot—not
- know—no
- knows—nose
- lain—lane
- leach—leech
- lead—led
- lean—lien
- leased—least
- leek—leak
- links—lynx
- loan—lone
- made—maid
- mail—male
- main—mane
- mare—mayor
- marshal—martial
- meat—meet
- mind—mined
- miner—minor
- missed—mist
- moose—mousse
- mucous—mucus
- muscle—mussel
- none—nun
- one—won
- packed—pact—packet
- pain—pane—pen
- pair—pear
- past—passed
- pause—paws
- peace—piece
- peak—peek
- pea—pee
- plain—plane
- plum—plumb
- poll—pole
- practice—practice
- praise—press—preys—prays
- principal—principle
- profit—prophet
- rain—reign
- rap—wrap
- rays—raise
- read—reed—red
- right—write
- role—roll
- root—route
- rose—rose—rows
- sale—sail
- scene—seen
- sea—see
- seas—sees—seize
- sew—so
- side—sighed
- sight—site
- sole—soul
- some—sum
- son—sun
- sore—soar
- stair—stare
- steak—stake
- steal—steel
- sweet—sweat—suite—suit
- tale—tail—teal
- tear—tier
- there—their—they’re
- threw—through
- throne—thrown
- tide—tied
- tire—tire
- to—too—two
- troop—troupe
- turn—tern
- vain—vein—vane—van
- wail—whale—well
- wait—weight
- waste—waist
- watt—what
- way—whey—weigh
- weak—week
- wear—where
- weather—whether
- we’d—weed
- we’ll—wheel—will
- we—wee
- which—witch
- whine—wine
- whose—who’s
- wood—would
- yoke—yolk
- your—you’re