Conjunction exercise for class 5, class 6, class 7, class 8, class 9.
Conjunction Exercise
Complete the sentences with the correct conjunction.
(And; Because; But; Neither…nor; Still; Though; That; When; Or; Not only…but also; If)
- ______ he is active, he spends his time being alone.
- She is ______ rude ______ arrogant by nature.
- I want to attend the seminars ______ my headache is irritating me.
- I can’t believe ______ you are not a good person.
- I heard a sound ______ I was watching movies yesterday.
- Better keep quiet ____ get-out form here.
- They all reached the venue _____ nobody was present.
- Raghav was very happy _____ he knew that his name was in a team.
- Ram is ______ a cool guy ______ a brilliant student.
- She hates coffee in the morning, _____ she likes to drink hot water with honey.
- That postman worked hard _____ delivered that courier.
- I can also succeed _____ I work hard.
- Sammy had eaten all the peanuts ____ ran away from the room.
- Vedic science is essential for us _____ we don’t know much about it.
- Adam James climbed the mountain _____ reached the peak.
- ______ my brother ____ my father went to their offices.
- He wants me to come with him _____ I have my plans.
- She is upset _______ she lost her cosmetic kit.
- I was worried about my results _______ my dad wants me to pass.
- This car was my family’s first car _____ we had a lot of memories of it.
Conjunction Exercise with Answers
- Though he is active, he spends his time being alone.
- She is neither rude nor arrogant by nature.
- I want to attend the seminars, but my headache is irritating me.
- I can’t believe that you are not a good person.
- I heard a sound when I was watching movies yesterday.
- Better keep quiet or get out from here.
- They all reached the venue, but nobody was present.
- Raghav was very happy when he knew that his name was on the team.
- Ram is not only a cool guy but also a brilliant student.
- She hates coffee in the morning, but she likes to drink hot water with honey.
- That postman worked hard and delivered that courier.
- I can also succeed if I work hard.
- Sammy had eaten all the peanuts and ran away from the room.
- Vedic science is essential for us still we don’t know much about it.
- Adam James climbed the mountain and reached the peak.
- Neither my brother nor my father went to their offices.
- He wants me to come with him, but I have my plans.
- She is upset because she lost her cosmetic kit.
- I was worried about my results because my dad wants me to pass.
- This car was my family’s first car, and we had a lot of memories of it.
Conjunction Whorksheet