Adjectives that start with D! We have shortlisted a huge collection of adjectives that start with D. All adjectives given below are dictionary format.
Adjectives that Start with D

Adjectives that Start with Da
- Dactylic
- Daft
- Dainty
- Daisylike
- Damaged
- Damascene
- Damask
- Damnable
- Dampish
- Danceable
- Dandified
- Danish
- Dantean
- Dantesque
- Dapper
- Daredevil
- Daring
- Darkening
- Darkish
- Darkling
- Darwinian
- Dashed
- Dastardly
- Datable
- Dateable
- Daughterly
- Daunted
- Daunting
- Daylong
- Dazed
- Dazzling
Adjectives that Start with De
- Dead
- Deadening
- Deadlocked
- Deaf
- Deafened
- Deafening
- Dear
- Deathlike
- Deathly
- Debasing
- Debatable
- Debilitated
- Debilitating
- Debilitative
- Debonaire
- Deboned
- Decadent
- Decalescent
- Decasyllabic
- Decayed
- Deceitful
- Decent
- Decentralising
- Decentralized
- Deceptive
- Deciding
- Deciduous
- Decimal
- Decipherable
- Deciphered
- Decisive
- Deckled
- Declarable
- Declarative
- Declared
- Declassified
- Decollete
- Decomposable
- Decompositional
- Decompound
- Deconstructionist
- Decorated
- Decorative
- Decreased
- Decreasing
- Decrepit
- Decrescendo
- Decumbent
- Decussate
- Dedicated
- Dedifferentiated
- Deducible
- Deductible
- Deep
- Deepening
- Defamatory
- Defeated
- Defective
- Defenceless
- Defending
- Defenseless
- Defensive
- Deferent
- Deferential
- Defiant
- Deficient
- Defiled
- Definable
- Defined
- Definitive
- Deflationary
- Deflective
- Defoliate
- Deformational
- Deformed
- Deft
- Defunct
- Degenerate
- Degenerative
- Degraded
- Degressive
- Dehiscent
- Dehumanised
- Dehydrated
- Deictic
- Deific
- Deistic
- Dejected
- Delayed
- Deleterious
- Deliberate
- Deliberative
- Delible
- Delicate
- Delighted
- Delightful
- Delimited
- Delineate
- Delineative
- Deliquescent
- Deliverable
- Delphian
- Delphic
- Deltoid
- Delusive
- Delusory
- Deluxe
- Demagogic
- Demanding
- Demeaning
- Demented
- Democratic
- Demolished
- Demoniac
- Demoniacal
- Demonic
- Demonstrable
- Demonstrative
- Demoralised
- Demoralising
- Demoralizing
- Demosthenic
- Demotic
- Demure
- Demythologised
- Demythologized
- Denary
- Denatured
- Denaturised
- Denaturized
- Dendritic
- Dendroid
- Deniable
- Denigrating
- Denigrative
- Denigratory
- Denotative
- Denotive
- Dense
- Dental
- Dented
- Denticulate
- Denuded
- Denumerable
- Denunciatory
- Departed
- Departmental
- Dependable
- Dependant
- Dependent
- Depictive
- Depilatory
- Depletable
- Depleted
- Deplorable
- Depraved
- Deprecating
- Deprecative
- Deprecatory
- Depressant
- Depressed
- Depressing
- Deprived
- Deranged
- Derelict
- Derisory
- Derivable
- Derivative
- Dermatologic
- Dermatological
- Dermic
- Derogative
- Derogatory
- Descendent
- Descending
- Describable
- Desecrated
- Desensitizing
- Deserted
- Deserved
- Deserving
- Desiccate
- Desiccated
- Designate
- Designative
- Designing
- Desired
- Desirous
- Desolate
- Despairing
- Desperate
- Despised
- Despiteful
- Despoiled
- Despondent
- Despotic
- Despotical
- Destitute
- Destroyed
- Destructible
- Destructive
- Desultory
- Detached
- Detectable
- Detected
- Detergent
- Determinable
- Determinate
- Determinative
- Determining
- Deterministic
- Deterrent
- Detestable
- Detested
- Detonative
- Detrimental
- Deuced
- Devalued
- Devastating
- Developed
- Developmental
- Deviate
- Devilish
- Devious
- Devoid
- Devotional
- Devouring
- Devout
- Deweyan
- Dewy
- Dexterous
- Dextral
- Dextrorotatory
- Dextrorsal
- Dextrous
Adjectives that Start with Di
- Diabatic
- Diabetic
- Diabolical
- Diachronic
- Diacritic
- Diacritical
- Diagnosable
- Diagnostic
- Diagonal
- Diagonalizable
- Diagrammatic
- Dialectal
- Dialectic
- Dialectical
- Diamagnetic
- Diamantine
- Diametric
- Diametrical
- Diaphanous
- Diaphoretic
- Diaphyseal
- Diaphysial
- Diarrheal
- Diarrheic
- Diarrhetic
- Diarrhoeic
- Diarrhoetic
- Diatomic
- Diatonic
- Diazo
- Dicarboxylic
- Dichotomous
- Dichromatic
- Dickensian
- Dickey
- Dicky
- Dicotyledonous
- Dictated
- Dictatorial
- Dictyopteran
- Didactical
- Diestrous
- Dietary
- Dietetic
- Dietetical
- Different
- Differentiable
- Differentiated
- Difficult
- Diffident
- Diffuse
- Diffusing
- Diffusive
- Digestible
- Digestive
- Digital
- Digitigrade
- Dignified
- Dignifying
- Digressive
- Dilatory
- Dilettante
- Dilettanteish
- Diligent
- Dilute
- Diluvial
- Diluvian
- Dimensional
- Dimensioning
- Diminishing
- Diminuendo
- Diminutive
- Dimorphic
- Dimorphous
- Dingy
- Dinky
- Dioecian
- Dioecious
- Dioestrous
- Dioestrual
- Diploid
- Diplomatical
- Dipolar
- Dipped
- Dipterous
- Dire
- Direct
- Directed
- Directing
- Directionless
- Directive
- Direful
- Dirigible
- Dirt
- Dirty
- Disabled
- Disabling
- Disadvantaged
- Disadvantageous
- Disagreeable
- Disappointed
- Disappointing
- Disarming
- Disarranged
- Disarrayed
- Disavowable
- Disbelieving
- Discalceate
- Discalced
- Discernable
- Discernible
- Discerning
- Disciform
- Disciplinal
- Disciplinary
- Disciplined
- Disclosed
- Discoid
- Discoidal
- Discombobulated
- Discomfited
- Discomycetous
- Disconcerted
- Disconcerting
- Disconfirming
- Disconsolate
- Discontent
- Discontinued
- Discontinuous
- Discordant
- Discouraged
- Discourteous
- Discoverable
- Discovered
- Discredited
- Discreet
- Discrete
- Discretional
- Discretionary
- Discriminate
- Discriminating
- Discriminative
- Discriminatory
- Discursive
- Disdainful
- Disembodied
- Disenchanted
- Disenchanting
- Disentangled
- Disfigured
- Disfranchised
- Disgraced
- Disguised
- Disgusted
- Disgustful
- Disgusting
- Dished
- Disheveled
- Dishonest
- Dishonored
- Dishonourable
- Dishy
- Disillusioned
- Disillusioning
- Disinfectant
- Disingenuous
- Disinherited
- Disintegrative
- Disinterested
- Disjoined
- Disjointed
- Disjunct
- Disjunctive
- Disklike
- Dislikable
- Dislocated
- Dislogistic
- Disloyal
- Dismantled
- Dismayed
- Dismissed
- Dismissible
- Dismissive
- Disobliging
- Disordered
- Disorderly
- Disorganized
- Disoriented
- Disorienting
- Disparate
- Dispassionate
- Dispensable
- Dispersed
- Dispersive
- Dispirited
- Displeased
- Displeasing
- Disposable
- Dispossessed
- Disproportional
- Disproportionate
- Disputatious
- Disputative
- Disputed
- Disqualifying
- Disquieted
- Disquieting
- Disreputable
- Disrespectful
- Disrupted
- Disruptive
- Dissatisfied
- Dissected
- Disseminative
- Dissenting
- Dissentious
- Dissident
- Dissimilar
- Dissimulative
- Dissipated
- Dissociative
- Dissoluble
- Dissolute
- Dissolvable
- Dissonant
- Dissuasive
- Distaff
- Distant
- Distasteful
- Distensible
- Distinct
- Distinguishable
- Distinguished
- Distortable
- Distracted
- Distrait
- Distraught
- Distressed
- Distressing
- Distributed
- Distributional
- Disturbing
- Disunited
- Disused
- Dithyrambic
- Diurnal
- Divergent
- Diverging
- Divers
- Diverted
- Diverting
- Dividable
- Divided
- Divine
- Divisional
- Divisive
- Divorced
- Dizygous
- Dizzy
Adjectives that Start with Do
- Doable
- Doctoral
- Doctrinaire
- Doctrinal
- Documentary
- Documented
- Doddering
- Dodgy
- Dogged
- Doglike
- Dogmatic
- Dogmatical
- Dolabriform
- Doleful
- Dolichocranial
- Dolichocranic
- Dolomitic
- Dolourous
- Doltish
- Domed
- Domestic
- Domiciliary
- Dominant
- Dominated
- Domineering
- Dominical
- Dominican
- Done
- Donnean
- Donnian
- Doomed
- Doped
- Dopey
- Dorian
- Doric
- Dormant
- Dormy
- Dorsal
- Dorsoventral
- Dostoevskian
- Dostoyevskian
- Doting
- Dotty
- Double
- Doubled
- Doubting
- Doughy
- Dour
- Dowered
- Dowerless
- Down
- Downfield
- Downhearted
- Downhill
- Downlike
- Downmarket
- Downright
- Downscale
- Downstage
- Downstairs
- Downtown
- Downward
- Downwind
- Downy
- Dozen
- Dozy
Adjectives that Start with Dr
- Drab
- Drafty
- Dragging
- Drained
- Draining
- Dramaturgic
- Dramaturgical
- Draped
- Drastic
- Drawn
- Dread
- Dreaded
- Dreamed
- Dreamless
- Dreamlike
- Drear
- Dreary
- Drenched
- Dress
- Dressy
- Dried
- Drifting
- Drilled
- Dripless
- Drippy
- Driven
- Drizzling
- Drizzly
- Droll
- Droopy
- Dropping
- Drowsing
- Drowsy
- Drugged
- Drugless
- Drunk
- Drunken
- Dry
Adjectives that Start with Du
- Dual
- Dualistic
- Dubitable
- Ducal
- Duckbill
- Ductile
- Dud
- Due
- Dulcet
- Dulled
- Dumb
- Dumbfounded
- Dumbstricken
- Dumbstruck
- Dumfounding
- Dummy
- Dumpy
- Duncical
- Duncish
- Duodecimal
- Duple
- Duplex
- Duplicable
- Duplicate
- Duplicitous
- Durable
- Dusky
- Dustlike
- Dusty
- Duteous
- Dutiable
- Dutiful
Adjectives that Start with Dy
- Dyed
- Dying
- Dynamic
- Dynastic
- Dysfunctional
- Dyslectic
- Dyslexic
- Dyspeptic
- Dysphemistic
- Dysplastic
- Dyspneal
- Dyspnoeal
- Dyspnoeic
- Dystopian