Abstract Noun definition
An abstract noun is a type of noun which is not identified or perceived by our body parts or any sense organs.
Abstract Noun
This noun implies an idea, feelings, quality, or a state other than a concrete noun. Intangible things like feelings, emotions, and other behavior that only be experienced come under the concept of Abstract nouns.
The function of an abstract noun is apart from that of the concrete nouns which can be tangible by us. It may include a concept, idea, experience, feeling, emotion, any state of being, quality, or another article that shows the characteristics of physical objects.

Examples of Abstract Noun in Sentences
- He is telling the truth to us.
- These ladies are always gossiping with each other.
- Brock Lesner defeats the Undertaker in the Last Man Standing match.
- The students lost faith in college management.
- His girlfriend blindly believes him.
- The entire class laughed at me.
- He can withstand the beast of a hammer.
- Zera is afraid to go out at midnight after a party.
- His mood is upset by thinking about the fear of the loss.
- I know your anger, but you have to be calm.
- Don’t underestimate the power of a common man.
- Try to control your emotions.
- Every person has two sides, good and bad.
- Never trust strangers.
- Take advantage of your weakness and grab opportunities.
- The old lady failed to get justice from the judicial court.
- The team won the losing match by playing cleverly in the match.
- He suddenly broke my friendship without knowing the truth.
- All soldiers have been awarded for their bravery.
- The commando completed his operation fearlessly.
List of Abstract Noun A-Z
- Ability
- afraid
- anger
- Artistry
- Awe
- Belief
- believes
- Brilliance
- Brutality
- calm
- cleverly
- Coldness
- Comfort
- Communication
- Compassion
- Contentment
- Courage
- Crime
- Customer service
- Death
- Deceit
- Dedication
- Defeat
- Democracy
- Despair
- Determination
- Dexterity
- Disbelief
- Disquiet
- Disturbance
- Dreams
- Ego
- Elegance
- emotions
- Energy
- Envy
- Evil
- Excitement
- Failure
- faith
- Faith
- Faithfulness
- fear
- Fear
- fearlessly
- Forgiveness
- Fragility
- Frailty
- Freedom
- Generosity
- good
- Goodness
- Gossip
- gossiping
- Grace
- Hate
- Hatred
- Hearsay
- Helpfulness
- Honesty
- Honor
- Hope
- Humility
- Humor
- Hurt
- Idea
- Idiosyncrasy
- Imagination
- Impression
- Inflation
- Information
- Insanity
- Integrity
- Intelligence
- Jealousy
- Joy
- justice
- Justice
- Kindness
- Law
- Liberty
- Life
- Loss
- Love
- Loyalty
- Luck
- Luxury
- Maturity
- Memory
- Mercy
- Misery
- Motivation
- Movement
- Need
- Omen
- Opinion
- Pain
- Parenthood
- Patience
- Patriotism
More Types of Noun
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