In this lesson, we are going to learn a list of mood words. The mood is a word to describe your feelings and emotions. Here, we have a huge collection of Mood words which are given below.

List of Mood Words
- Mad
- Stressed
- Surprised
- Enthralled
- Rejuvenated
- Bored
- Bouncy
- Calm
- Relaxed
- Relieved
- Restless
- Rushed
- Sad
- Satisfied
- Shocked
- Sick
- Pessimistic
- Pleased
- Silly
- Sleepy
- Smart
- Sympathetic
- Thankful
- Tired
- Touched
- Uncomfortable
- Weird
- Lonely
- Loved
- Envious
- Exanimate
- Amused
- Apathetic
- Ashamed
- Awake
- Bewildered
- Bittersweet
- Accepted
- Accomplished
- Aggravated
- Blah
- Blank
- Blissful
- Cheerful
- Chipper
- Recumbent
- Refreshed
- Rejected
- Cold
- Complacent
- Confused
- Content
- Cranky
- Crappy
- Groggy
- Grumpy
- Crazy
- Crushed
- Alone
- Curious
- Cynical
- Dark
- Depressed
- Determined
- Devious
- Dirty
- Disappointed
- Drained
- Drunk
- Good
- Discontent
- Ditzy
- Ecstatic
- Angry
- Annoyed
- Anxious
- Energetic
- Enraged
- Excited
- Okay
- Optimistic
- Peaceful
- Exhausted
- Flirty
- Frustrated
- Full
- Geeky
- Gloomy
- Dorky
- Grateful
- Guilty
- Happy
- High
- Hopeful
- Moody
- Morose
- Hot
- Hungry
- Hyper
- Impressed
- Irate
- Irritated
- Jealous
- Jubilant
- Lazy
- Lethargic
- Listless
- Melancholy
- Mellow
- Mischievous
- Naughty
- Indescribable
- Indifferent
- Predatory
- Quixotic
- Infuriated
- Nerdy
- Not specified
- Giddy
- Giggly
- Numb
Read Also:
- List of Feelings and Emotions Words
- Formal and Informal Words
- New Words with Meaning
- Text Abbreviations
- Descriptive Words
- Rhyming Words