Are you looking for the list of emotions and feelings words? In the below section, you will get a list of words to describe emotions and feelings
List of Emotions
The feeling is the normalization of the verb that represents the feeling. It is used to describe the physical sensation of touch or the experience of the feeling of perception.

Types of feelings
- Happiness
- Anger
- Caring
- Depression
- inadequateness
- Fear
- Confusion
- Hurt
- Loneliness
- Remorse
- Energy
- Confidence
- Tired
List of Emotions and Feelings

Happiness is applied in the connection of mindset, and mental or emotional states, which includes positive emotions extending from contentment and intense joy. It expresses the satisfaction of well-being.
- Aglow
- Amused
- Animated
- Aroused
- Bold
- Brotherly
- Buoyant
- Calm
- Celebratory
- Charmed
- Cheerful
- Cheerful
- Confident
- Contented
- Cool
- Delighted
- Ecstatic
- Elated
- Elated
- Elevated
- Energetic
- Engrossed
- Enthusiastic
- Esteemed
- Euphoric
- Exhilarated
- Festive
- Fine
- Frisky
- Glad
- Gleeful
- Glorious
- Good
- Good-natured
- Grateful
- Gratified
- Happy
- Happy
- Hopeful
- In high spirits
- Jovial
- Joyful
- Jubilant
- Keen
- Kind
- Light-hearted
- Lively
- Loving
- Marvelous
- Merry
- Okay
- Optimistic
- Overjoyed
- Playful
- Pleasant
- Pleased
- Provocative
- Receptive
- Safe
- Secure
- Serene
- Satisfied
- Sparking
- Supported
- Thrilled
- Touched
- Trusting
- Up
- Vibrant
- Vigorous
- Warm
- Zippy

Anger is also known as rage, which is an intense emotional state of a strong and uncomfortable response to a perceived provocation. Anger is also an emotion that shows a feeling of fighting or taking action immediately.
- Affronted
- Aggravated
- Agitated
- Annoyed
- Antagonistic
- Belligerent
- Bitter
- Bugged
- Cranky
- Critical
- Disgusted
- Dismayed
- Enraged
- Exasperated
- Fed up
- Fuming
- Furious
- Galled
- Grim
- Grouchy
- Heated
- Hostile
- Ill-tempered
- Impatient
- Infuriated
- Intense
- Irate
- Irked
- Irritated
- Livid
- Mad
- Offended
- Outraged
- Petulant
- Provoked
- Raging
- Resentful
- Seething
- Sore
- Spiteful
- Storming
- Sullen
- Testy
- Ticked off
- Uptight
- Vengeful
- Vindictive

The feeling of caring is personal behavior that shows healing or social work. It involves looking after people who are ill or who need help in coping with their lives.
- Accepted
- Admiring
- Adoring
- Affectionate
- Appreciated
- Appreciative
- Attached
- Attentive
- Befriended
- Blessed
- Cherished
- Cherishing
- Commended
- Compassionate
- Considerate
- Devoted
- Doting
- Empathetic
- Esteemed
- Fervent
- Fond
- Friendly
- Healed
- Idolizing
- Infatuated
- Interested in
- Kind-hearted
- like
- Loved
- Made whole
- Partial
- Passionate
- Reassured
- Respectful
- Saved
- Sympathetic
- Taken care of
- Tender
- Thoughtful
- Tolerant
- Trusting
- Understood
- Warm toward
- Warm-hearted
- Worship
- Yielding
- Zealous

Depression is a mood disturbance that generates a determined sensation of sadness and lack of interest.
- Afraid
- Alienated
- Ashamed
- Awful
- Barren
- Beaten
- Blah
- Cowardly
- Crestfallen
- Crushed
- Dejected
- Demoralized
- Depressed
- Desolate
- Despondent
- Devalued
- Disappointed
- Discouraged
- Dismal
- Dispirited
- Distressed
- Downcast
- Empty
- Fed up
- Funk
- Gloomy
- Glum
- Grieved
- Grim
- Harassed
- Haunted
- Hopeless
- In despair
- Lost
- Low
- Melancholy
- Menaced
- Miserable
- Moody
- Morose
- Regretful
- Somber
- Sorrowful
- Subdued
- Suspicious
- Tearful
- Tragic
- Uncomfortable
- Unhappy
- Upset
- Woeful
- Worried

An inadequateness is a feeling which is a state of being inadequate or a condition of insufficiency.
- Blemished
- Blotched
- Broken
- Cripped
- Damaged
- Defeated
- Deficient
- Dry
- Feeble
- Finished
- Flawed
- Helpless
- Impaired
- Imperfect
- Impotent
- Incapable
- Incompetent
- Incomplete
- Ineffective
- Inept
- Inferior
- Insignificant
- Invalid
- Lacking
- Lame
- Meager
- Overwhelmed
- Powerless
- Puny
- Small
- Substandard
- Tenuous
- Tiny
- Uncertain
- Unconvincing
- Unimportant
- Unsure
- Useless
- Weak
- Wishful
- Worthless

Fear is a sensation caused by sensed danger or threat, physiological changes, and ultimate expression like hiding, or freezing from certain events.
- Afraid
- Alarmed
- Anxious
- Appalled
- Apprehensive
- Awkward
- Anxious
- Careful
- Cautions
- Cautious
- Defensive
- Desperate
- Disquieted
- Distressed
- Fearful
- Fidgety
- Forced
- Fretful
- Frightened
- Horrified
- Intimidated
- Jumpy
- Nervous
- Panicky
- Paralyzed
- Petrified
- Pressured
- Scared
- Shaky
- Shocked
- Shy
- Skittish
- Spineless
- Stressed
- Tense
- Terrified
- Threatened
- Timid
- Troubled
- Ugly
- Uneasy
- Watchful
- Weak
- Wrecked

Confusion is an act or a feeling of disturbance in the mind or thought because of specific issues.
- Adrift
- Ambivalent
- Baffled
- Befuddled
- Bewildered
- Chaotic
- Confused
- Confounded
- Disordered
- Disorganized
- Distracted
- Disturbed
- Dizzy
- Doubtful
- Embarrassed
- Flustered
- Foggy
- Frustrated
- Hesitant
- Indecisive
- Misled
- Mistaken
- misunderstood
- Perplexed
- Pessimistic
- Puzzled
- Shy
- Speechless
- Startled
- Stumped
- Stunned
- Taken-aback
- Thrown
- Trapped
- Uncertain
- Undecided
- Unsettled

Hurt is just a feeling of pain from any part of our body or the harsh feeling inside the heart that may cause it.
- Abused
- Aching
- Anguished
- Annoyed
- Belittled
- Cheapened
- Criticized
- Crushed
- Cursed
- Degraded
- Depreciated
- Desperate
- Despised
- Destroyed
- Devastated
- Discarded
- Discredited
- Disgraced
- Distressed
- Forgotten
- Forsaken
- Hateful
- Heavy
- Humiliated
- Ignored
- Injured
- Judged
- Let down
- Marred
- Minimized
- Mistreated
- Mocked
- Mournful
- Neglected
- Punished
- Put away
- Put down
- Rejected
- Ridiculed
- Rueful
- Tortured
- Touched
- Used
- Victimized
- Weepy
- Wounded

Loneliness is a feeling of being alone, spending life without appreciation, enjoyment, or other happy moments with others. Life is being in the darkness in case of loneliness.
- Abandoned
- Alone
- Apart
- Blue
- Cheerless
- Companionless
- Cut off
- Despondent
- Deserted
- Distant
- Estranged
- Excluded
- Insulated
- Isolated
- Left out
- Lonely
- Marooned
- Melancholy
- Oppressed
- Ostracized
- Outcast
- Rejected
- Remote
- Separate
- Shunned
- Uncherished
- Withdraw

The word remorse is a distressing emotional experience felt by an individual who regrets whatever it may have happened in the past life. It is closely related to guilt or a feeling of being ashamed.
- Abashed
- Apologetic
- Ashamed
- Bashful
- Blushing
- Chastened
- Contrite
- Culpable
- Debased
- Delinquent
- Demeaned
- Depraved
- Evil
- Exposed
- Flustered
- Guilty
- Humble
- Meek
- Mortified
- Reluctant
- Remorseful
- Repentant
- Shamed
- Sheepish
- Sinful
- Sorry
- Wicked
- Wrong

Energize is something that means to give the energy of passion and perception to do something full of energy.
- Alert
- Ambitious
- Animated
- Bold
- Certain
- Confident
- Creative
- Determined
- Dynamic
- Empowered
- Enlivened
- Focused
- Hardy
- Healthy
- Inspired
- Invigorated
- Motivated
- Powerful
- Refreshed
- Rejuvenated
- Renewed
- Secure
- Strengthened

The feeling of confidence in our heart or our mindset makes us feel confident from the inside helps to show abilities or qualities.
- Assured
- At ease
- Beautiful
- Brave
- Comforted
- Encouraged
- Forgiven
- Peaceful
- Prepared
- Relaxed
- Successful
- Valuable
- Sure
- Tenacious
- Unique
- Vibrant

If you are feeling tired, then you have to take sleep or rest for some time. Tired means someone who is being so bored with something or alone.
- Bored
- Burned out
- Drained
- Dull
- Exhausted
- Fatigued
- Indifferent
- Listless
- Sick
- Stale
- Weary
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