Number names 1 to 100 is important to learn for every kid. Counting in English play a very important role in our daily lives. The number 1 to 100 is a great way for kids to practice counting and gain knowledge about numbers. The below table contains 1 to 100 numbers names from 1 to 100 in English words.
Number Names 1 to 100
1 | = | One |
2 | = | Two |
3 | = | Three |
4 | = | Four |
5 | = | Five |
6 | = | Six |
7 | = | Seven |
8 | = | Eight |
9 | = | Nine |
10 | = | Ten |
11 | = | Eleven |
12 | = | Twelve |
13 | = | Thirteen |
14 | = | Fourteen |
15 | = | Fifteen |
16 | = | Sixteen |
17 | = | Seventeen |
18 | = | Eighteen |
19 | = | Nineteen |
20 | = | Twenty |
21 | = | Twenty-one |
22 | = | Twenty-two |
23 | = | Twenty-three |
24 | = | Twenty-four |
25 | = | Twenty-five |
26 | = | Twenty-six |
27 | = | Twenty-seven |
28 | = | Twenty-eight |
29 | = | Twenty-nine |
30 | = | Thirty |
31 | = | Thirty-one |
32 | = | Thirty-two |
33 | = | Thirty-three |
34 | = | Thirty-four |
35 | = | Thirty-five |
36 | = | Thirty-six |
37 | = | Thirty-seven |
38 | = | Thirty-eight |
39 | = | Thirty-nine |
40 | = | Forty |
41 | = | Forty-one |
42 | = | Forty-two |
43 | = | Forty-three |
44 | = | Forty-four |
45 | = | Forty-five |
46 | = | Forty-six |
47 | = | Forty-seven |
48 | = | Forty-eight |
49 | = | Forty-nine |
50 | = | Fifty |
51 | = | Fifty-one |
52 | = | Fifty-two |
53 | = | Fifty-three |
54 | = | Fifty-four |
55 | = | Fifty-five |
56 | = | Fifty-six |
57 | = | Fifty-seven |
58 | = | Fifty-eight |
59 | = | Fifty-nine |
60 | = | Sixty |
61 | = | Sixty-one |
62 | = | Sixty-two |
63 | = | Sixty-three |
64 | = | Sixty-four |
65 | = | Sixty-five |
66 | = | Sixty-six |
67 | = | Sixty-seven |
68 | = | Sixty-eight |
69 | = | Sixty-nine |
70 | = | Seventy |
71 | = | Seventy-one |
72 | = | Seventy-two |
73 | = | Seventy-three |
74 | = | Seventy-four |
75 | = | Seventy-five |
76 | = | Seventy-six |
77 | = | Seventy-seven |
78 | = | Seventy-eight |
79 | = | Seventy-nine |
80 | = | Eighty |
81 | = | Eighty-one |
82 | = | Eighty-two |
83 | = | Eighty-three |
84 | = | Eighty-four |
85 | = | Eighty-five |
86 | = | Eighty-six |
87 | = | Eighty-seven |
88 | = | Eighty-eight |
89 | = | Eighty-nine |
90 | = | Ninety |
91 | = | Ninety-One |
92 | = | Ninety-two |
93 | = | Ninety-three |
94 | = | Ninety-four |
95 | = | Ninety-five |
96 | = | Ninety-six |
97 | = | Ninety-seven |
98 | = | Ninety-eight |
99 | = | Ninety-nine |
100 | = | Hundred |
1 to 100 Counting in English

Numbers in Words in English
Learning is a lifelong process. It starts as soon as you are born and is an important part of your life. It is a process that continues to change with time.
Children are natural learners, but they need the right environment to learn. This includes providing them with opportunities to explore and experiment, and giving them access to the right resources.
Numbers can be tricky for kids to learn. Numbers 1 to 100 are a good place to start and help kids learn how to write any number.
Counting in English
1 one | 2 two | 3 three | 4 four | 5 five | 6 six | 7 seven | 8 eight | 9 nine | 10 ten |
11 eleven | 12 twelve | 13 thirteen | 14 fourteen | 15 fifteen | 16 sixteen | 17 seventeen | 18 eighteen | 19 nineteen | 20 twenty |
21 twenty- one | 22 twenty- two | 23 twenty- three | 24 twenty- four | 25 twenty- five | 26 twenty- six | 27 twenty- seven | 28 twenty- eight | 29 twenty- nine | 30 thirty |
31 thirty- one | 32 thirty- two | 33 thirty- three | 34 thirty- four | 35 thirty- five | 36 thirty- six | 37 thirty- seven | 38 thirty- eight | 39 thirty- nine | 40 forty |
41 forty- one | 42 forty- two | 43 forty- three | 44 forty- four | 45 forty- five | 46 forty- six | 47 forty- seven | 48 forty- eight | 49 forty- nine | 50 fifty |
51 fifty- one | 52 fifty- two | 53 fifty- three | 54 fifty- four | 55 fifty- five | 56 fifty- six | 57 fifty- seven | 58 fifty- eight | 59 fifty- nine | 60 sixty |
61 sixty- one | 62 sixty- two | 63 sixty- three | 64 sixty- four | 65 sixty- five | 66 sixty- six | 67 sixty- seven | 68 sixty- eight | 69 sixty- nine | 70 seventy |
71 seventy- one | 72 seventy- two | 73 seventy- three | 74 seventy- four | 75 seventy- five | 76 seventy- six | 77 seventy- seven | 78 seventy- eight | 79 seventy- nine | 80 eighty |
81 eighty- one | 82 eighty- two | 83 eighty- three | 84 eighty- four | 85 eighty- five | 86 eighty- six | 87 eighty- seven | 88 eighty- eight | 89 eighty- nine | 90 ninety |
91 ninety- one | 92 ninety- two | 93 ninety- three | 94 ninety- four | 95 ninety- five | 96 ninety- six | 97 ninety- seven | 98 ninety- eight | 99 ninety- nine | 100 one hundred |