Are you looking for different Animals that start with S? See here, we have prepared an alphabetical list of animals name beginning with the letter S. These animals can be found by land, air, or sea.
Animals that start with the Letter S
The Common animals that start with the letter S are snail, scorpion, sparrow, starfish, seal, sea cucumber, snake, shark, squid, stork, skunk, skink. In this post, we have covered more than two-hundred animals that begin with S. S is the nineteenth letter in the Modern English alphabet.

Animals that Start with S
Animals Beginning with S
- Saanen Goat
- Saarloos Wolfdog
- Sabah Damsel
- Saber-Toothed Tiger
- Sable
- Sable Black German Shepherd
- Sabre-toothed tiger
- Sabre-Toothed Tiger
- Sacred ibis
- Sage Grouse
- Sage hen
- Saiga
- Saiga Antelope
- Sailfin Tang
- Sailfish
- Saint Berdoodle
- Saint Bernard
- Saint Shepherd
- Saki Monkey
- Salamander
- Sally Lightfoot Crab
- Salmon
- Salmon Shark
- Saltwater Crocodile
- Saluki
- Sambar
- Samoyed
- Sand Cat
- Sand Crab
- Sand dollar
- Sand Lizard
- Sand Tiger Shark
- Sanderling
- Sandgrouse
- Sandhill Crane
- Sandpiper
- Saola
- Sardine
- Sardines
- Sarlet macaq
- Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko
- Satanic leaf-tailed gecko
- Savanna fox
- Savanna Goat
- Savannah Monitor
- Sawfish
- Scarab Beetle
- Scarlet Ibis
- Scarlet Macaw
- Scarlet Tanager
- Schipperke
- Schnauzer
- Schneagle
- Schnoodle
- Scimitar-horned Oryx
- Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher
- Scorpion
- Scorpion Fish
- Sco-Shi
- Scotch Collie
- Scottish Terrier
- Screech Owl
- Scrotum Frog
- Scutulatus
- Sea Anemone
- Sea Cucumber
- Sea Dragon
- Sea Eagle
- Sea Lion
- Sea Otter
- Sea Slug
- Sea Snake
- Sea Squirt
- Sea Turtle
- Sea Urchin
- Seagull
- Seahorse
- Seal
- Sealyham Terrier
- Seastar
- Secretary Bird
- Sei Whale
- Senegal Parrot
- Serval
- Shaggy Bat
- Shark
- Sharp
- Sharp-Tailed Snake
- Shearwater
- Sheep
- Sheepadoodle
- Shelduck
- Shepadoodle
- Shepkita
- Shepweiler
- Shiba Inu
- Shih Poo
- Shih Tzu
- Shinned Hawk
- Shoebill
- Shoebill Stork
- Shollie
- Short-eared Dog
- Short-tailed Albatross
- Short-tailed Chinchilla
- Shrew
- Shrike
- Shrimp
- Siamang
- Siamese
- Siamese Fighting Fish
- Siberian
- Siberian Cat
- Siberian Husky
- Siberian Ibex
- Siberian Retriever
- Siberian Tiger
- Siberpoo
- Sika Deer
- Silkie Chicken
- Silky Terrier
- Silver Dollar
- Silver Haired Bat
- Silver Labrador
- Sixgill shark
- Skate
- Skate Fish
- Skimmer
- Skink
- Skink Lizard
- Skipjack Tuna
- Skipper Butterfly
- Skua
- Skunk
- Skye Terrier
- Skylark
- Sleeper Shark
- Slender Loris
- Sloth
- Sloth Bear
- Slow Loris
- Slow Worm
- Slug
- Smooth Fox Terrier
- Smooth Newt
- Snail
- Snake
- Snapping Turtle
- Snares Penguin
- Snipe
- Snorkie
- Snow Leopard
- Snow Monkey
- Snow Monkey (Japanese Macaque)
- Snowshoe
- Snowshoe Hare
- Snowy Egret
- Snowy Owl
- Softshell Turtle
- Somali
- Song Sparrow
- Song Thrush
- Sora
- South China Tiger
- Southeastern Five-Lined
- Southern Cassowary
- Southern Elephant Seal
- Southern Flying
- Southern Leopard Frogs
- Southern Tamandua
- Spadefoot Toad
- Spanador
- Spanish Goat
- Spanish Mastiff
- Sparrow
- Speckled King
- Spectacled Bear
- Sperm Whale
- Spicebush
- Spider
- Spider Monkey
- Spider Wasp
- Spinner Dolphin
- Spinner Shark
- Spinone Italiano
- Spiny
- Spiny Dogfish
- Spiny Hill Turtle
- Spiny Lobster
- Spix’s Macaw
- Spixs Macaw
- Sponge
- Spoonbill
- Spotted
- Spotted Bat
- Spotted Beetle
- Spotted Eagle Ray
- Spotted Gar
- Spotted Hyena
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Spotted Python
- Spotted Turtle
- Spring Peepers
- Springador
- Springbok
- Springerdoodle
- Springhare
- Squash Beetle
- Squid
- Squirrel
- Squirrel Glider
- Squirrel Monkey
- Squirrelfish
- Sri Lankan Elephant
- Stabyhoun
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Stag Beetle
- Standard Schnauzer
- Star Nosed Mole
- Starfish
- Starling
- Star-nosed mole
- Steller’s Sea Cow
- Steller’s Sea Eagle
- Stick Insect
- Stingray
- Stink Bug
- Stinkpot Turtle
- Stoat
- Stone Crab
- Stone Curlew
- Stonefish
- Stork
- Striped Hyena
- Striped Marlin
- Striped Rocket Frog
- Sturgeon
- Sucker Fish
- Sugar Glider
- Sulcata Tortoise
- Sumatran Elephant
- Sumatran Orangutan
- Sumatran Orang-utan
- Sumatran Rhinoceros
- Sumatran Tiger
- Sun Bear
- Sunbird
- Sunfish
- Surgeonfish
- Swai Fish
- Swallow
- Swallowtail
- Swallow-tailed Kite
- Swamphen
- Swan
- Swedish Vallhund
- Swift
- Swordfish
- Syrian Hamster
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- Animals that start with T
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- Animals that start with V
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