Are you looking for different Animals that start with P? See here, we have prepared an alphabetical list of animals name beginning with the letter P. These animals can be found by land, air, or sea.
Animals that start with the Letter P
The Common animals that start with the letter L are puffin, pig, penguin, pelican, parrot, polar bear, pond skater, porcupine, possum, prawn, pufferfish. In this post, we have covered more than hundred animals that begin with P. P is the sixteenth letter in the Modern English alphabet.

Animals that Start with P
Animals Beginning with P
- Paca
- Pacific Gull
- Pack Rat
- Pacman Frog
- Paddlefish
- Pademelon
- Paint Horse
- Painted Stork
- Painted Turtle
- Pallas Cat
- Palm Squirrel
- Panda
- Panda Bear
- Pangolin
- Panther
- Panther Chameleon
- Papillon
- Parakeet
- Parrot
- Parrotfish
- Parrotlet
- Parson Russell Terrier
- Partridge
- Patas Monkey
- Patterdale Terrier
- Peacock
- Peacock Butterfly
- Peacock Spider
- Peagle
- Peccary
- Peekapoo
- Pekingese
- Pelican
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Penguin
- Percheron
- Pere David’s Deer
- Pere Davids Deer
- Peregrine Falcon
- Permit
- Perro De Presa Canario
- Persian
- Peruvian Inca Orchid
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
- Petite Goldendoodle
- Petrel
- Pheasant
- Pied Avocet
- Pied Crow
- Pied Tamarin
- Pig
- Pigeon
- Pika
- Pike
- Pike Fish
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Pine Marten
- Pine Siskin
- Pine Snake
- Pink Fairy Armadillo
- Pink Salmon
- Pintail
- Piranha
- Pit Bull
- Pit Viper
- Pitador
- Pitsky
- Pitta
- Platy
- Platypus
- Pleco
- Plover
- Pocket Beagle
- Pocket Pitbull
- Pogona
- Pointer
- Poison Dart Frog
- Polar Bear
- Polecat
- Polish Lowland Sheepdog
- Pollock
- Polyphemus moth
- Pomapoo
- Pomchi
- Pomeagle
- Pomeranian
- Pomfret
- Pompano
- Pomsky
- Pond Skater
- Pony
- Poochon
- Poodle
- Poogle
- Pool Frog
- Porbeagle
- Porbeagle Shark
- Porcupine
- Porpoise
- Portuguese Man O’ War
- Possum
- Pot Belly
- Pot-Bellied Pig
- Potoo
- Potoroo
- Potto
- Prairie Chicken
- Prairie Dog
- Prairie Rattlesnake
- Prawn
- Praying Mantis
- Proboscis Monkey
- Pronghorn
- Przewalski’s Horse
- Ptarmigan
- Pterosaur
- Pudelpointer
- Puff Adder
- Puffer
- Puffer Fish
- Pufferfish
- Puffin
- Pug
- Pugapoo
- Puggle
- Pugshire
- Puku
- Puma
- Pumi
- Puna Ibis
- Puppy
- Purple Emperor
- Purple Emperor Butterfly
- Purple Finch
- Purple Grenadier
- Purple Martin
- Puss Moth
- Pygmy Goat
- Pygmy Hippo
- Pygmy Hippopotamus
- Pygmy Marmoset
- Pygmy Marmoset (Finger Monkey)
- Pygora Goat
- Pyrador
- Pyredoodle
- Python
Sea Animals that Start with P
- Prawn
- Pinniped
- Prawn
- Pilchard
- Pelican Eel
- Perch
- Polliwog
- Pupfish
- Piranhas
- Piranha
- Praying mantis
- Pufferfish
- Porcupine Fish
- Pike
- Polyp
- Python
- Platy fish
- Pilchard
- Porpoise
- Penguin
- Pacific Cod
- Paddlefish
- Plankton
- Puffer/Pufferfish
- Parrotfish
Read Also:
- Animals that start with Q
- Animals that start with R
- Animals that start with S
- Animals that start with T
- Animals that start with U